

Best Answer

Don't drink. Common equation is 1 ounce of alcohol an hour. Even this will catch up with you if you do it long enough, but it gives you the chance to stop. Binge drinking or drinking contests are a sure way of over doing it.
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Q: How do you decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose?
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Does eating after drinking decrease the chances of an alcohol overdose?

yes sais the hipser with his skinnny jeans

What decreases an alcohol overdoes?

The risk of an alcohol overdose is reduce is a person drinks in moderation and on a full stomach. Alcochol poisoning is very dangerous and can be fatal.

Which of the following decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose A keeping one's BAC in a safer range well below 0.04 percent B eating after drinking C drinking purer grades of alcohol D both a?

Of the options you listed, the most correct answer is keeping the blood alcohol content below 0.04, but eating would also help. The "grade" would have no effect on whether or not you get alcohol poisoning.

What is an overdose of alcohol called?

They can die.

What to do in alcohol overdose?

In case of suspected alcohol overdose or toxicity, go to the nearest emergency room. This is a very serious and lethal condition.

Is it lethal to take overdose of sedatives with whiskey?

It can be lethal to take an overdose of sedatives with or without alcohol.

What happens during an alcohol overdose?

It makes you nauseous

What do you do in case of alcohol overdose?

Get immediate medical attention.

Can you overdose on beer?

yeah. its called alcohol poisoning

What does alcohol do to surface tension?

it decreases it.

What is it called when you drink too much and you can die from it?

Water Intoxication. alcohol overdose or alcohol intoxication

What can you overdose on that would cause death to sever effects?
