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I have a dog and we have fed him ham before and nothing happens. if you are worried, you should consult a vet.:)

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Q: Does eating ham give dogs worms?
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Does ham have worms in it?

I doubt it

What kind of disease can a dog get?

well shih tzu dogs can get a bad disease from eating ham. I know that.

What do pigs give us?

Pigs give us ham, pork, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, etc. Leather (pigskin)

Does eating ham cause urine leakage in dogs?

yes. our 3 month old urinates twice a day. I fed him some sandwich ham ( afew slices) and he has weed 7 times in an hour and a half

Can you give a frozen ham bone to a dog?

No, it can splinter and do damage to the intestinal track or get caught in the dog's throat. If you want to let your dog enjoy a bone, you can, you just have to give them raw bones. Raw bones are not harmfull as long as they are size appropriate. If your dog is huge and you give it a tiny bone, obviously it could try to swallow it and choke. Any time that you let your dog have a bone, it should be supervised. You should only let your dog chew on the bone for a specific period of time like 30-60 minutes and keep an eye on him/her; after that take the bone away. Never leave the dog alone with a bone.

What is difference between chicken ham?

Chicken is a domesticated fowl, that lays eggs, and provides meat. Chicken has both white and dark meat. Ham comes from a pig. Pigs are known to harbor large concentrations of parasitic ascarid worms in their digestive tract. This is why pork should be cooked or cured before eating. Ham is red meat.

What kind of snacks do dogs eat?

Dogs like to eat ham. if you are feeding your dog ham make sure you don't give it to much. If you are feeding a dogs some bread, don't let it have any fat bits. You can also buy some dog chocolate from supermarkets. I hope that i helped you!!!:)

Will you get sick from eating ham that is bad?

Im sick right now...from bad ham Yes!

Can dogs eat split pea soup with ham?

Yes dogs can eat pea and ham soup just make sure you cut the skin and fat off the ham as it is no good for your companion and man's best friend.

Can you give me a sentence with the word ham?

I want to eat ham.

Can your beta eat ham?

Give it commercialy sold food for that species, do not give it stuff like ham.

Is Subway ham really ham?

If you ask for one they will give you one!