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Yes, certainly it does

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Q: Does energy come from burning fossil fuels?
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What problems harnessed nuclear energy from fossil fuels?

Nuclear energy does not come from fossil fuels

Where does the energy of fossil fuels come from?


The most popular energy used in private homes come from?

Electricity from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

Which force of energy does not come directly from the sun?

Fossil Fuels (:

How is energy produce d from fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels (hence the name) are natural fuels that come from decayed bodies (humus or fossils) in the earth.

How the acid rain formed by burning fossil fuels?

The fossil fuels burn and come up to the air as pollution. It gets into a cloud, and when it rains, there is acid rain.

Where does nearly half of the pollution caused by burning fossil fuels come from?

motor vehicles

How does using Geothermal energy effect the environment?

Geothermal energy can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by replacing energy that would have come from burning fossil fuels. It is basically a fairly clean energy source

How can you obtain fossil fuels?

fossil fuels come from non-renewable (will not last forever) energy resources, these non-renewable energy resources (fossil fuels) come from CRUDE OIL, COAL, NATURAL GAS, NUCLEAR, sometimes wood and biomass - this depends on how it is extracted

Is it true that energy in fossil fuels is derived from the energy stored in plant and animal matter?

Yes, that's where it is usually believed that fossil fuels come from - and that's why they are called "fossil" in the first place.

Where does most of the energy used in your home come from?

It is sent through wires(underground or over) to your homes, it is made by burning fossil fuels or wood, or by moving water, or solar.

Where does most of the energy used in the US come from?

It is sent through wires(underground or over) to your homes, it is made by burning fossil fuels or wood, or by moving water, or solar.