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Yes, and not only that, but every person has religion, too, even atheists. Atheism is a form of religious belief, not the absence of religious belief, because religion is what a person believes to be true, not necessarily about a supreme being or a hereafter, but about everything: right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and the nature of ultimate reality. Political and scientific beliefs are indistinguishable from religious beliefs.


No. There is evidence that people are naturally superstitious - but that does not always lead to an organized belief that can be defined as a distinct religion. China is a good example. Other cultures abandon religion altogether, such as many of the countries in Northern Europe. The previous answer was completely incorrect in stating that atheism is a religion - it is absolutely not. All atheism means is that one does not accept the assertion that any supernatural deity exists. In other words, they claim no more reason to believe in the Abrahamic God actually exists than they have to believe Thor exists. Many (like myself) come upon this decision because of the lack of reliable evidence for any God's existence. The reason (most) atheists still support scientific knowledge, is because it requires evidence, and changes when we find new evidence. It doesn't require 'belief' in anything, because it makes no assertions that you can't observe for yourself. If there isn't enough evidence to come to a conclusion, scientists are honest enough to report "I don't know for sure, but here's my best guess with the information we do have". Religions are not required to have observable evidence for their beliefs, and tend to make claims for which there is absolutely no evidence. That is why almost all of them conflict in one way or another, and why they also tend to be very slow to respond to new observable evidence if it conflicts with their current belief. That's the difference between science and religion; the requirement for observable evidence. The reason atheism is not a religion is that it does not require belief in anything at all - it is nothing more than an honest admission of what you can't be sure about when it comes to supernatural deities - and any other belief is completely up to them. Science, religion, and atheism are all 100% distinguishable.

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not at all, some people do not believe in a higher being of any sort, some just believe in the human race, they are called humanists, and then there are some people who do not believe in anything except the here and now, they are called atheists.

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Q: Does every culture have some form of religion?
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