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No, the Earth's mantle is to deep and warm for this. Magmas are generated in the upper mantle by a process called partial melting and the melt collects in the crust (in magma chambers at varying depth).

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10y ago

Volcanoes do not form in the mantle. They form on the surface. However, the magma that allows them to form does originate in the mantle. However, in some volcanoes the material that actually erupts is from parts of the crust melted by even hotter magma from the mantle.

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Does a volcano form when magma reaches earths surface?

That is correct. When magma travels from the mantle to the crust and reaches the surface, that is a volcano.

Why volcanos form?

Volcanoes form because when the magma flows up through cracks inside of the earth's mantle then the volcano is formed.

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No because weather has no affect on the earth mantle and the mantle is the source of magma for the volcano.

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A volcano will form at the boundary of two plates moving apart. This is because the two plates moving apart create a crack allowing molten lava to flow up from the mantle.

Does the magma and lava from a volcano come from the mantle?

Yes it does , The magma finds gaps through the crust ( oceanic or continental) and comes up as a volcano. It is originally in the mantle.

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well volcanoes form like mountains and the earths plates come up against each other and form a mountain and then to form a volcano, magma makes its way out of the core and mantle and out of the crust into the volcano and it finds a weak spot and pushes its way out does that answer it?

When does an active volcano erupt?

They can erupt anytime, when magma rises from the mantle and spews out of the volcano.

Where is the mantle hot spot?

It is near the middle of the volcano