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Q: Does extra addition of ammonia dissolve CopperII sulfide?
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If you wish to obtain 10.0 grams of copper metal from copperII sulfide what mass of copperII sulfide must you use - A.10.0 grams B.24.6 grams C.607 grams or D.15.0 grams?


What is the molar mass of ammonia sulfide?

Ammonia sulfide is (NH4)2SO4. And the molar mass is 116 g mol-1.

What gas do Ammonia factories put in your cells but not ammonia is it hydrogen sulfide gas or carbon dioxide?

They don't put anything in your cells.

How do I calculate the molar solubility of copperII sulfide in 25M of CuCl2?

You need the Ksp of copper sulphide. From that you can use the equation for solubility product - Ksp = [Cu2+].[S-] where the Cu2+ term becomes 25M.

Ammonium sulfide an acid base or salt?

Ammonia, NH3 is a weak base in solution. Can pick up a proton.

Does Ag dissolve in water?

If you mean is it soluble in water then the answer is no.

What is the name fo the main compound found in rotten egg gas?

Hydrogen Sulfide

What is the balenced equation for ammonia plus hydrogen sulfide yields ammonium sulfide?

The chemical equation is; H2S(g) + 2NH3(aq) -> (NH4)2S(aq) and can be expanded as H2S(g) + 2NH4OH(aq) -> (NH4)2S(aq) + 2H2O(l) as aqueous ammonia is a solution of ammonium hydroxide.

Does Jupiter has clouds?

Yes, Jupiter has clouds which are located in the troposphere which are made up of ammonia, ammonium, hydro sulfide, and H2O.

What is the name of the gaseous compound?

Gases are: carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane, ethane, hydrochloric acid etc.

Aluminum sulfate reacts with ammonium hydroxide to form what?

it forms a white precipitate ; Al(OH)3 and ammonium sulfate with additional excess NH4OH,still white ppt wont dissolve this means Aluminum dont make a complex with ammonia

Will ammonia neutralize sulfuric acid?

Yes, Sulfur is dissolved in hot ammonia solutions, other strong alkali may be used. The result would be Ammonium Sulfide. Sulfur will dissolve in 70-80 degree C alkali soltuions to form polysulfides. See "The Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Volume 12" May 1920 pg 480