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no. . . hence the name

There is no fat in fat free food but the sugar and carbs in the fat free food that you don't burn off as energy will be converted to body fat
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Q: Does fat free food have fat?
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Related questions

What makes a food fat free?

It has no fat in it.

What is fat free food?

Most fruits and vegetables are very low in fat if not fat free.

Does Ireland have fat free food?


Is Cucumbers a fat free food?

Yes, but no

Can people tell the difference between fat and fat free food?

Possibly, depends on the person and the amount of fat normally in the food. Also, what type of food.

How much fat can a food have to be fat free?

Less than 0.5 grams of fat in a serving.

Is fat-free ice cream considered a diet food?

It depends on your diet. If your diet relies on keeping fat intake low then fat-free ice cream is a diet food. If your diet relies on keeping caloric intake low then fat-free ice cream may not be considered a diet food.

What are the the food that contains fat?

While there are few food items that can be considered fat-free most fruits and vegetables in their pure form are almost free of fat. A couple of exceptions are coconuts and avocados. Candy as well as grains in their pure form are fat-free, however, grains are hardly ever eaten in their pure form. While there are few products that are fat-free you can find an array of low-fat foods. There may be many food products that may be advertised as fat-free, however, foods can be labeled as fat-free as long as they contain 0.5 grams or less of fat per serving.

Fat free non vegetable meals?

Cancer the sea food is fat less

Are there fat free Pillsbury or Kraft appetizers available in the frozen food section?

No, there are not any frozen Pillsbury or Kraft appetizers that are fat-free. There are desserts like pudding that are fat-free but no appetizers.

What is the difference between fat free foods and regular foods?

Fat-free foods have less fat. Trouble is what you mean by "regular" food. Much common food( like basically all fastfoods) have too much fat compared to what we need. But we do need some fats in our diets to remain healthy. "Regular" food as in home cooking with a bit of consideration will not be fat-free, but can be a healthy balance.

What is the List of foods with no fat?

While there are few food items that can be considered fat-free most fruits and vegetables in their pure form are almost free of fat. A couple of exceptions are coconuts and avocados. Candy as well as grains in their pure form are fat-free, however, grains are hardly ever eaten in their pure form. While there are few products that are fat-free you can find an array of low-fat foods. There may be many food products that may be advertised as fat-free, however, foods can be labeled as fat-free as long as they contain 0.5 grams or less of fat per serving.