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I think so.

Hypothetically it is possible IF she were to have a very large supply of blood. HOWEVER I know of no instance either actual or rumored that has even alluded to this ever happening.

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Q: Does female vampires have menses
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What triggers menses?

the hormone FSH ( Follice Stimulating Hormone) triggers the menses (period) in a healthy female. During the menses, the uterine lining is being shed.

What is the cessation of the menses?

menopause (when a female stops menstruating).

Do spayed females have menses?

Spayed female cats and dogs do not menstruate.

What happens to the menstrual cycle if a female is pregnant?

When a female is pregnant,it depends on how her body works she could have her menses.

Do female vampires have menstrual periods?

Uhmm, if you are referring to Twilight-related vampires then no.

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Since mosquitos drink blood does that make them vampires?

no cuz only female mosquitos drink blood but male and female vampires drink blood plus everyone knows that bats are vampires

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Who was the first and last male and female vampires?

me and you was the first and last male and female vampirans

How many females vampires in the movie Twilight?

twilight has 4 female vampires.... rosalie, Esme, Alice and Victoria

How come male vampires can make kids but the female vampires cant?

In various vampire lore, male vampires can father children because their bodies still produce sperm, while female vampires cannot conceive because their bodies no longer ovulate or menstruate. This difference is often tied to the idea that male vampires retain some form of life-sustaining bodily functions, while female vampires do not.

When do English cocker spaniels go into menses?

Female dogs of all breeds have menses (called the "heat cycle", or estrus) twice a year on average starting at around 7-10 months of age. A female dog will gain the most in health benefits if they are spayed before they have their first heat cycle.