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I got a steam burn while i was cooking. Hope that helps!!!

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Q: Does first or second degree burn show a yellowish layer when healing?
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What is the second fastest healing part of the body?

The eye The first is the tongue

Why is a second degree burn more serious than a first degree burn?

It's very hard to immobilize the hand completely to allow for prompt healing, which is so important with more than a 1st degree burn in that they infect very easily. A burn on the thigh, however, is often not mobile anyway, so allowing the tissues to remain unstressed and unmoved presents no problem at all.

What is first second and third degree torture?

First degree - is a conversation about the instruments of torture Second degree - is being shown the instruments of torture Third degree - is the actual use of the instruments of torture

What is the difference between second degree robbery and first degree?

The main difference between second degree robbery and first degree robbery is the level of violence or threat involved. First degree robbery typically involves the use of a weapon or causes serious bodily harm, while second degree robbery does not involve such factors. Consequently, first degree robbery carries a more severe penalty than second degree robbery.

In court proceedings is first or second worse?

Since the question was put into the Crime and Criminal Law category, the answer is given in that context. First is worse than second in the sense that a crime of the first degree is worse than a crime of the second degree. First degree murder will call for a more severe penalty than will second degree murder.

Difference between first and second degree murder?

First-degree murder is premeditated and intentional, while second-degree murder is committed without premeditation but with malice aforethought. First-degree murder typically carries a higher level of intent and planning than second-degree murder.

What is the difference between first second and third degree burns?

The amount of damage. A first degree is usually redness and pain, a second degree burn blisters and a third degree burn destroys tissue.

What burn has blisters plus damage only to the epidermis and dermis?

Second-degree burn

Which is worse first or second degree burns?

There are four degrees of frostbite, first being the least severe, fourth being the most. First degree is burning or throbbing pain, second is numbness, third shows broken blisters, and fourth actually looks mummified. ■

What defines first degree second degree and third degree please give examples?


What is the difference between first and second degree burns?

A first degree burn is limited to the epidermis. A second degree makes it all the way to the actual dermis, and third degree is total tissue destruction of epidermis and dermis.

What is considered kidnapping in Alabama?

Alabama Laws are classified to two degrees. First and second Degree. First Degree is when you kidnap somebody with intent to ransom them Second Degree is when you abduct somebody and did not return them