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If it's sour dough made from wheat then yes it does contain gluten.

Gluten is found in wheat, barley, and rye.

If you have sour dough and it doesn't say "gluten free" than it has gluten in it.

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Yes, it is made with wheat.

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Does milk contain gluten Very confused some gluten free bread mixes contain milk?

Most milk is gluten-free, but some milk uses preservatives that contain gluten.

Where is gluten bread nationally from?

Gluten bread is not "from" any specific nationality or culture. Many different nationalities from many parts of the world make different types of bread from different types of grain, most of which contain some gluten. Wheat perhaps is the most common flour used to make bread, which does contain gluten.

What do whole wheat bread and white bread have in common?

They are both made from wheat and would contain gluten.

Does naan bread contain gluten?

Yes it does, because it is made out of wheat flour.

Do malteesers contain gluten?

yes malteesers do contain gluten on the inside it is like bread and malt has gluten in it malt.. eesers pretty much tells you

Is most panko bread crumbs gluten free?

No. Most contain wheat. There are gluten-free versions though, such as kinnikinnick in Canada.

Can you use cake and pastry flour in the bread machine?

Yes you can but the result will be a rather flat loaf as pastry and cake flour do not contain as much gluten as bread flour. Gluten which is developed by kneading the bread dough is essential to a well structured bread.

Is donar kebab gluten free?

unlikely as the bread will be made with wheat which contains gluten. Hi no are not they contain wheat flour in the spice mix

Is bread soda gluten free?

Not all are only if you make it gluten free.

Is gluten in wonder bread?

Yes. Most packages will not say "gluten". The first ingredient in wonder bread is "bleached enriched wheat flour". If you see anything that says wheat, rye, barley, or oats, (and various other words), if DOES contain gluten. Yes. Most packages will not say "gluten". The first ingredient in wonder bread is "bleached enriched wheat flour". If you see anything that says wheat, rye, barley, or oats, (and various other words), if DOES contain gluten.

How much gluten is in wheat bread?

Cake flour has less gluten than bread flour, but it does contain a significant amount of gluten. While these estimates should not be taken as authoritative, cake flour contains roughly 6 - 8% protein (gluten) compared to about 11% in all-purpose flour, and about 14% in bread flour.

Are there any breads that gluten free?

Yes, there are commercially sold gluten-free breads found in large supermarkets as well as in specialty health-food stores. There are also many recipes available for baking gluten-free breads at home.