

Does gamete have more chromosomes then a zygote?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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No, a zygote has 46, a gamete has 23

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Q: Does gamete have more chromosomes then a zygote?
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Does a zygote have double or triple the number of chromosomes that a gamete has?

A zygote has twice the amount of chromosomes as a gamete.

How does a zygote relate to meiosis?

A gamete is also known as a "sex cell". These are the egg and the sperm. Zygotes are fertilised eggs. This means that when the female gamete is fertilised by the male gamete, it forms a zygote.

Referring to chromosomes what is the zygote?

The usual number of chromosomes in a baby's cell ( zygote ) is 46 . 23 chromosomes from both the male's reproductive cell ( sperm ) and the female's reproductive cell ( egg ) .

How could a zygote be produced with an XYY karyotype?

An XYY zygote can be formed if a pair of sex chromosomes fails to separate during meiosis, so the gamete formed has both the X and Y chromosomes. This gamete would then meet the other gamete from the other cell that would contain a Y sex chromosome. The resulting zygote that is formed would have XYY sex chromosomes. This abnormalty where there is an extra chromosome or is missing a chromosome is called nondisjunction.

Is sperm gamete or zygote?

It is a gamete. Fertilization produces a zygote

Why does a gamete only contain 23 in the human body?

You get the other 23 from the opposite sex. The semen and the egg combines and gets 46 chromosomes. If each gamete contained 46 chromosomes, the zygote would contain 92 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes does the zygote receive from the mother?

23. A female gamete (sex cell, the egg) contains half the chromosomes that a human cell has - 46. The other half are taken from the male gamete (sperm).

Because the zygote gets half of its gentic code from each gamete the human offspring?

results in the 46 chromosomes that we have?

How does the number of chromosomes in a zygote compare with the number of chromosomes in a body cell?

Double.Each gamete (sex cell) has one copy of each chromosome. Somatic (body) cells have 2 copies.

How can nondisjunction in meiosis result in a diploid gamete?

If all of the chromosomes fail to separate in meiosis, then nondisjunction can result in a diploid gamete. This is a type of chromosomal mutation. In animals, a zygote produced from the union of a mutated diploid gamete and a normal haploid gamete will have triploidy, which is lethal. In plants, this is not necessarily lethal.

What portion of the sperm contains 23 chromosomes?

The sperm or the egg have 23 chromosomes. Humans have 46 chromosomes, so when these two combine they create a human zygote.

What does zygote and gamete mean?

A gamete is a sex cell: an egg or a sperm. A zygote is a fertilized egg cell.