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I read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight too, and we discussed it in class... so personally, I think the answer to your question is no. My teacher said that the Pearl Poet (author) was trying to satirize the concept of the "perfect knight in shining armor".

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1mo ago

Yes, Gawain upholds the virtue of being a chivalrous knight in Arthurian legend. He displays qualities such as loyalty, courage, and honor throughout his adventures, including his famous quest for the Green Knight. Gawain's adherence to the code of chivalry is central to his character.

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13y ago

By sacrificing his freedom as a bachelor and marry the ugliest woman on Earth just to save the life of his beloved cousin, King Arthur.

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13y ago

Very much indeed. The design on his shield (a 5-sided star) reasonably symbolized his five virtues: honesty, purity, compassion, frankness, and fellowship.

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8y ago

conveys a sense of the supernatural?

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Q: Does gawain uphold the virture of being a chivalrous knight?
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Uphold is the correct spelling.