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no getting teeth pulled does not hurt because they numb you. they numb u with a shot in ur mouth but still do not be afraid because it only hurts for about 2 secs. and then ur mouth is numb so no it does not hurt because u can not feel it

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14y ago
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8y ago

no it wont hurt if they do it right n numb u really good ur going 2 b fine just a lil bleeding sum soft food ur going 2 b good as new ;)


Of course not!! getting a baby tooth pulled? you cant even feel it. i had one pulled and was so scared but after i thought i was scared for a silly reason. i didnt feel a thing cuz they numbed my mouth.

-im getting my wisdom teeth pulled soon, so i dont know what i can tell u about that one-

but afterwards i would just stay away from anything hard like the person above me said. the next day you should feel as good as new, it doesnt hurt a bit, and the worst part is your lip feeling funny haha. youll b great )

---good luck--- ;)


Im not really sure if it hurts but today im getting my 2 baby teeth pulled out and im not sure if i should be scared or not and im hoping it dont hurt that much and i hope it dont.. im 12 and i could sometimes be a wimp.. so i am scared

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10y ago
  • It doesn't hurt and you do not have to be afraid or nervous about it if it is your first time. The dentist will start by giving you a shot or two near your tooth in your gums. This is to make the side of your mouth where the tooth is numb so when they pull the tooth it will not hurt as much. After they have given you the shots you will feel that one side of your mouth is like double the size of your other one and that is normal. You will have to wait about 10-15 minutes before they pull your tooth out so the feeling in the side of your mouth will completely go away. If you feel your lip or your cheek on that side you will realize that it is very soft which is also part of the numbing. When they come to pull the tooth the dentist will start by hitting your tooth with a silver metal utensil to see how strong it is and start pulling the tooth to try to get it out. At the same time when that is happening another dentist will be with a utensil that sucks or brings stuff in like a vacuum to get the tooth and make sure that when the tooth comes out you do not swallow it or anything. When the tooth is out there will be blood in your mouth so they will take a special wet rag for you to bite on and you will have to keep it in your mouth for 30 minutes to an hour until the bleeding stops. The numbing in your tooth should wear off in 2-5 hours.

Advice from different contributors:

  • It depends, a dentist will give injections to numb the area and hopefully give you enough not to feel pain. Also depends on tooth being pulled - Your back teeth are larger than the front teeth. If the tooth is very badly infected or cracked - the dentist will have to cut the tooth out from the gum, rather than pull it. A good dentist can remove a tooth with minimal discomfort.
  • No it doesn't hurt a bit. Most dentists spray your gum before they inject the anesthetic so you don't even feel the injection! The worst bit is after you've had the tooth pulled out because it takes a while for the numbness to wear off. Make sure you have something to eat before you have a tooth taken out because if you don't you could faint and that's not nice!!!
  • I had a tooth pulled today and the dentist thoroughly numbed my mouth before starting. That said he had to apply a LOT of force to get it out - it's just pressure though and doesn't hurt much. Now however I have a gap where the tooth was and my gums hurt a lot. I'm using ibuprofen to numb the pain.
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13y ago

ive had a tooth pulled out when i was younger in the dentist, it just hurts for a few seconds, they pull it out without you noticing.

I agree with that, but mine did'nt come out right away it took them two more days to remove it

If you're having permanent teeth removed, it will hurt for at least a few days afterwards. The actual procedure itself is pretty much painless. It's the healing process that can be painful. Most dentists though will give you pain killers after having a tooth pulled.

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13y ago

No. Its an odd feeling though. They give you Novocaine, a numbing shot, which sometimes feels good and sometimes feels like you're being pinched a little. Don't worry, they give you a numbing gel, too, so the shot wont hurt.

Usually the shot takes 15 to 20 minutes to numb completely, and then you're numb. Now, they take this tool and grasp it around your teeth (which you cant feel at all) and slowly move it around. It took them two seconds to actually pull my tooth out, and it wasn't loose at all.

Overall, no, it doesn't hurt. It is just kinda weird.

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14y ago

I have had 6 teeth pulled and while it goes on it doesnt hurt but after there is a tiny bit of pain.

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13y ago

When you go to the dentist to get your teeth pulled it doesn't hurt because they numb your gums. But I think when you have a loose tooth it hurts!!

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13y ago

yes it does

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Q: Does getting teeth pulled hurt
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Does it hurt getting you teeth pulled out?

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Well, before they actually remove your teeth, the dentist will inject a numbing formula into the gums out the teeth that are to be pulled out. Pretty much that thing that hurts the most is the little prick of the needle. Don't sweat it!

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Teeth are disposed of in the clinic together with the rest of the biohazardous material. If a little kid is getting the tooth pulled, sometimes they will be given the teeth to leave out for their parents, er uh, tooth fairy.

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this is probably bad cuz that's what happened to my friend and she had to have them pulled. she said it hurt after but not during.

Does pulling teeth hurt?

No i have done it before and it is virtually painless :) plus if you have your teeth pulled by a dentist they usually numb it so you cant feel it but still after the anaesthetic it will hurt A LOT hope this is not making you scared :)

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No, spacers in your teeth don't hurt at all and if they do, they will go away in a few minutes. While spacers are being put in your teeth it feels like someones pulling your teeth out. But that really does not hurt, it may hurt a few seconds but it go away as fast as you can say ouch. You will have to get used to the way it feel and that only takes a few minutes and you wont even know they are there! After a few hours it feels a little weird because it means that they are separating your teeth and it doesn't hurt much but just a tiny bit. Before I got my spacers in my mouth i had to get little rubber bands in between my molars to create space for the spacers . And those hurt terribly . getting braces hurts and getting them tightened hurts. idk yet about the actual spacers cus i haven't got them in my mouth yet. but my best suggestion to you is take Tylenol because your gonna need it !

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