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Gravity affects anything with a weight. Take a feather for example; it may fall slowly if you drop it, but the speed has nothing to do with gravity. It is infact air resistance that slows the feathers descent. weightless things like gases have no gravitational pull, so they are able to move about freely in the air. I hope that wasn't too confusing :S

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Q: Does gravity only affect heavy things?
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What forces or things that affect orbits?

Gravity is the only real force at work here, The mass affects the gravity, but the gravity is the only one that could be termed a "force".

What would happen if only gravity were on the earth?

we would be heavy

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Gravity affects all of the objects in the universe, but then again, gravity doesn't affect the universe.

Does gravity only act on heavy objects?

No, gravity acts on all objects regardless of their weight. The force of gravity is dependent on the mass of an object, so heavier objects will experience a stronger gravitational force than lighter objects. However, even very light objects, such as feathers, are still subject to the force of gravity.

How does gravity affect the formation of stars?

Gravity doesn't just "affect" the formation of stars; it's just about the only force that CAUSES the stars to form in the first place.

What factors affect the amount of gravity between two celestial objects in space?

Not only in space - gravity is universal. The force of gravity is affected by the distance, and by the masses involved.

Why is weight affected by gravity?

the pressure of gravity doesn't only pull things down, but picks weight up.

How does the sun's gravity affect the earth?

The suns gravity can only be part of the answer as to its affect upon the earth. If there were only the suns gravity then we would be pulled into it. Thankfully we have all of the other heavenly bodies which work together to keep us where we are in our own particular place in space.

Good things about gravity?

Gravity is both good and bad. It helps us to drink water, eat food. We are able to stay on the ground because of gravity. Without gravity we will not be able to stay alive. The disadvantage is that it opposes the upward motion of any object.So gravity is both good and bad.

What happens if we throw a ball in space?

The ball will not be affected by drag. Only gravity will affect its trajectory.

What controls the period of a pendulum?

For a simple pendulum, consisting of a heavy mass suspended by a string with virtually no mass, and a small angle of oscillation, only the length of the pendulum and the force of gravity affect its period. t = 2*pi*sqrt(l/g) where t = time, l = length and g = acceleration due to gravity.

How would zero gravity affect inertia?

Zero gravity does not affect inertia. The inertia of an object is an inherent property of the object and is directly proportional to the object's mass.