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not to sure think we need to ask a doc.

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Q: Does green tea help flush out your system?
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Does green tea flush out your system?

not to sure think we need to ask a doc.

What should you do if you have weed in your system?

Drink lots of water to get it out, like gallons ! Also alot of tea can help and also flush pills. Anything that will flush out your system !

What are the effects of green tea and weight loss?

Green tea is a good way to lose extra pounds that you want to get rid of.. It does flush out your system and refreshes you.. Drink green tea and you will fill so much better and you can get green tea in different flavors so you can have a varities and not the same one.

How do you flush marijauna out of your system?

There are several experimental methods for this purpose. Drink Fluids assimply increasing your fluid intake could help. Eat more vegetables. Green tea or an herbal tea can also be used. Exercise and excessive sweating.

Will green tea give any signs of cocaine in a test?

No. in order to remove cacaine faster I would try Niacin which will speed up your metabolism

What teas can help you lose weight?

Green Tea, busts your metabolism. Lemon Tea, Cleanses the system. cinnamon Tea, also busts your metabolism.

Can water and fiber flush diazepam out of your system?

To flush the medication diazepam out of your system or any medication out of your system drinking a lot of water or tea is extremely helpful. Fiber can help but the water is the most important tool is the water, drink it slowly and consistently.

Is it good for children to drink green tea?

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants that boost the immune system. Green tea contains fluorine which can help reduce the formation of cavities in children. The antioxidants found in green tea are helpful in reducing the formation of bacteria that can lead to diarrhea. Children that are susceptible to colds or illness may find that drinking green tea helps support their immune system. So to improve your children health buy green tea.

Does dieters tea help lose weight?

green tea does

What type of green tea clean your system?

Green tea the brand tetley a natural source of antioxidants

Can yellow tea make you slim?

Yellow tea is made similar to green tea, just oxidized somewhat longer than green tea, but shorter than black and oolong tea. This means that the health benefits of yellow tea are similar to those of green tea. Green tea is known for its ability to help control appetite and help with weight loss. So since yellow tea is similar to green tea I believe it is safe to assume that yes it could possibly help slim you down if you drank enough of it.

Does green tea help with varicose veins?

There is no evidence that green tea can help with varicose veins. Lifestyle changes and support stockings may help decrease their appearance.