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No; just the reverse.

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Q: Does group 1 element become less metallic as atomic number increases?
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When a metallic element is converted to a positive ion during a chemical reaction with oxygen the metallic element is said to be?

The metal become a cation.

What does Phosphorous mean?

Phosphorous is a non-metallic chemical element with the symbol P and the atomic number 15.

How can element 92 become element 93?

It happens when a beta particle is emitted from the nucleus of the atom of element 92. Beta Particle is emitted when a neutron is converted to a proton.So atomic number that is , the no of protons increases by 1. Hence 92 becomes 93.

Why iodine has metallic luster?

as going down the group the size of the atom increases so electrons become loosely bonded moreover shielding effect increases so thats why it has metallic luster

When an atom progresses along the periodic table from left to right do they become larger?

Yes. Well not the actual atom in that element, but the "atomic mass" increases starting left to right..

What happens to the metallic characteristics as you go down the group?

The metallic characters increases as we going down the group its happen due to very high ionization energy values .

Nuclear charge increases across a period atoms become?

The atoms become smaller in atomic radius.

What can be predicted by a elements location in the periodic table?

The location of an element in the periodic table of elements tells you its general chemical properties. Elements are of essentially 3 types, metal, non metal, or noble gas (which is a special type of non metal) and those all have their own locations on the table; in addition you can tell a lot about how chemically active an element is, or in other words, how metallic is it, or how non metallic. We know for example, that the the halogens, in group seven, are most non metallic at the top of the table, and become progressively less non metallic (or in other words more metallic) as you go down the column. The noble gases are at their most inert at the top of the column. And so forth.

What happens where two elements have the same atomic number?

No two different elements can have the same atomic number.

Do elements become more metallic when you go down groups?

an element becomes more metallic as you travel down a group. it becomes less metallic as you travel from left to right across a period.

When you go down the element generally become more or less metallic?

as you go down a group the elements become more metallic. why? ionization energy decreases. ionization energy is the amount of energy needed to remove the most loosely held electrons. when electrons are lost, a metal is formed. so as you go down a group, the electrons are futher away from the nuclear pull (because the period increases). therefore, not much energy is needed to remove the electrons making it easier to loose them

What type of radioactive decay causes the radionuclide to become an element with a higher atomic number?

beta emmisions