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Different Views on the Existence of Hell: Basically, Christianity and Islam are the only religions that have this concept. Judaism believes in reward and punishment of the soul, but the concept might differ. Since Christianity and Islam is practiced by about 1/2 of the world population, just by the numbers, that might suggest that there is about a 50-50 chance that hell exists, which makes for great debate material. Read below from our contributors:

One Opinion that Says Maybe Yes and No- it does exist but comes from these words:

From Easton's Bible Dictionary

The concept of Hell is derived from the Saxon helan, to cover; hence the covered or the invisible place. In Scripture there are three words so rendered:-

(1.) Sheol, occurring in the Old Testament sixty-five times. This word sheol is derived from a root-word meaning "to ask," "demand;" hence insatiableness (Pro_30:15, Pro_30:16). It is rendered "grave" thirty-one times (Gen_37:35; Gen_42:38; Gen_44:29, Gen_44:31; 1Sa_2:6, etc.). The Revisers have retained this rendering in the historical books with the original word in the margin, while in the poetical books they have reversed this rule.

In thirty-one cases in the Authorized Version this word is rendered "hell," the place of disembodied spirits. The inhabitants of Sheol are "the congregation of the dead" (Pro_21:16). It is (a) the abode of the wicked (Numbers_16:33; Job_24:19; Psalms_9:17; Psalms_31:17, etc.); (b) of the good (Psalm_16:10; Psalms_30:3; Psalms_49:15; Psalms_86:13, etc.).

Sheol is described as deep (Job_11:8), dark (Job_10:21, Job_10:22), with bars (Job_17:16). The dead "go down" to it (Numbers_16:30, Numbers_16:33; Ezekiel_31:15, Ezekiel_31:16, Ezekiel_31:17).

(2.) The Greek word Hades of the New Testament has the same scope of signification as Sheol of the Old Testament. It is a prison (1Pe_3:19), with gates and bars and locks (Matthew_16:18; Rev_1:18), and it is downward (Mat_11:23; Luke_10:15).

The righteous and the wicked are separated. The blessed dead are in that part of Hades called paradise (Luke_23:43). They are also said to be in Abraham's bosom (Luke_16:22).

(3.) Gehenna, in most of its occurrences in the Greek New Testament, designates the place of the lost (Mat_23:33). The fearful nature of their condition there is described in various figurative expressions (Mat_8:12; Mat_13:42; Mat_22:13; Mat_25:30; Luke_16:24, etc.). One Belief with Explanation I believe it is .....

It does exist. And it is not a fun place. it's not a party place. you don't want to go there. it is a lake of fire where sinners go for eternal damnation. you may say, "why would God send people there when he loves us and is a good God?" Well, the answer to that is because God is just. We are all sinners and we all deserve to go there.

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

Romans 3:10 "As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one."

Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 5:8-9 "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him."

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life."

Romans 10:9-10 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth th Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved [from hell]. For with the heart, man confesseth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

And so you see, there is a way to escape hell. That's where heaven comes in. According to Christian beliefs, if you will accept Christ as your savior from hell, and from your sins, admitting that you are a sinner, and are coming to God, because he is the only way out, then he will save you. Keep asking questions and when you're ready, make a decision.

A Suggestion that it is a Misinterpretation Hell does not exist, it is the mere imagination and mere misinterpretation of the Bible. None of the scriptures mentioned above even mention hellfire rather they mention perish or to suffer eternal DESTRUCTION not burning. The lake of fire in Revelation simply represents the eternal destruction of the people being hurled into it. When a person dies they are "conscious of nothing" as Corinthians says. They are not conscious of burning in a fiery hell but rather in a sleep like state. Notice that when Lazarus died and came back he had no memory of a fiery hell or heaven. The Dogma of Catholicism It is a dogma of the Catholic Church that Hell does exist both as a spiritual and physical place. Hell is reserved for the devil and all the fallen angels as well as those souls that die unreconciled to God and without the state of grace. Hell is eternal and any soul consigned there is there for eternity without reprieve or hope. This is why the Catholic Church strives so mightily in Her endeavors to spread the Catholic Faith and to make people aware of the nature of Hell and sin and God's saving grace, lest souls fall into hell. Purgatory There is also a concept of purgatory, which seems to be a holding ground fot those not yet decided. And, apparently the Catholic church takes donations to allow someone to remain in purgatory to await the day of judgment,

An Opinion that Says Yes Yes, hell is believed in some religions. But what about Christianity? Do Christians have to believe in hell?

Turn with me me to Ecclesiastes 9:5, 6, 10

For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all, neither do they anymore have wages, because the remembrance of them has been forgotten. 6 Also, their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished, and they have no portion anymore to time indefinite in anything that has to be done under the sun. 10 All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in She������´ol, the place to which you are going.

Another good point is the Genesis account of things. Genesis 1:1 In [the] beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

If Jehovah God actually chose whether he wanted you to go to heaven or hell, wouldn't he have created hell? The account just says that he created two things, the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 3:19 In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return."

It says that we are dust, Jehovah created us from dust, we die, we return to dust. It doesn't say that we have a separate force, a separate being, we are one person, we are who we are.

Another scripture backs this up as well. Genesis 2:7 And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.

It doesn't say that when Jehovah created man he put an invisible force into him, it's plain and simple.

So all it comes down to its pagan teaching, really, would any Christian really want to be believing in pagan things, would Jehovah want you to? In the bible, lots of things must be taken as symbolic, this is how lots of people thought, maybe they couldn't make it any simpler, maybe a symbolic description confused less? Quite possible! Answer If you believe that there is Hell, then, it's true there's Hell and you don't need proof or even have to ask the question of its existence.

Rachelpopl speaking I think this is suppose to be hell. Earth. When we die it is like we retire to heaven.

i promise you its real look in genisis that was from the Adam and eve story.

heaven and hell are real indeed. Some christians belive that when the bible says " the lake of fier" it is metephorically speaking.But God knows that we are only human so he makes the bible as simple as possible for us to understand.


Torment, suffering and alienation from God are real to those who experience it. Such hell is a condition anyone can experience in this world or the next. Hell is not a physical place, but a spiritual condition.

The safeway answer:

Here you have 2 scenarios.

1: Hell does exist as a means of punishment for sins accumulated in the living world; or

2: Hell does not exists and we can do as we please without bearing consequences after death.

If we believe that Hell does NOT exist, then we can do as we please. Than do that ! On the other hand, if Hell does exist, then we could get punished for not believing that Hell exists in the first place.

So I would think that it's safer to believe in Hell instead. You loose nothing by believing that there is a Hell.

hell doesnt exist neither does heaven

i dont believe i can do what i want ..common sense and legistaion

regulates that

if anybody can prove there is a heaven and hell..prove it

dont keeep harping on about somebody wrote this and somebody

wrote that ..else anybody can claim whatever they want
The Bible says that Hell does exist. However, we will not know until we die.

Hell is "A state of separation from God; exclusion from God's presence." WE can choose to be separated from God, so hell exists.

If you can imagine a big city like New York without any good in it, no kindness, no giving, no smiles, no all...that is close to hell, but not complete. Because all good things come from God, hell means to be separated from ALL that is good.

It is not a punishment because you were not good enough in life, it is a choice. The one and only God is a just God. When we do things to separate ourselves from Him, he honors our choice. Yet, God wants to be with each one of us because He still loves us so much, no matter how many things we have done to walk away from Him. So, we need someone to "save" us from these choices we have made. Jesus came to pay for those bad choices with his life, even though he never made a bad choice. If we choose to believe that Jesus did this, our relationship with God is restored and we can start experiencing the very real joy and peace of heaven here on earth way before death.
The subject of hell is subjective. If you are religious, and you are a follower of your religion then you could believe there is hell. But if you aren't religious then you may not believe there is hell, or you will only believe there is hell until its existence is proved

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The existence of a spiritual place or places in which the souls of the dead are treated in accordance with their behavior when alive (reward or punishment), is a tradition of mankind, which finds expression (in differing details) in various religions. It cannot be conclusively proven as long as we're alive; and that's the whole point: God tests us as to whether we will live in a way that demonstrates that we're aware of His presence, even though His presence is not readily visible.
We hold it to be evident that an infinitely wise Creator, whose wisdom is vastly manifest (for example) in the wonders of our bodies, would not be so unwise as to neglect unfinished business. If a tyrant "escapes judgment" by swallowing a painless poison, to our mind it is axiomatic that his tribulations have just begun. God is just (Deuteronomy 32:4).

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Hell only exists if there is a God, who can ordain punishment for those who don't believe in him, and perhaps also for those who do wrong. It seems strange that a God would provide a terrible and eternal punishment merely for not believing what has never been proven. This was really just a way of creating fear among the common people so that they would unthinkingly believe whatever their religious leaders say.

Apart from the lack of any evidence for the existence of God, there is no evidence for hell. It simply does not exist.

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