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Q: Does hermesetas contain sorbitol
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Do hermesetas contain aspartame?

The Hermesetas website says that Hermesetas Gold DOES contain a blend of ASPARTAME and something else! So it issomething to weigh up when considering the question of just what products contain apartame.

Is sorbitol naturally in Prunes Which fruits contain sorbitol?

I am allergic to Sorbitol. I just did some research online, and these fruits contain sorbitol: 1. Apples 2. Pears 3. Peaches 4. Prunes And one gum that i know doesn't have Sorbitol is Ice Cubes (Ice Breakers Gum).

What is the active agent in hermesetas?

"I read somewhere that Hermesetas uses a blend of Ace K and Aspartame." That's for Hermesetas GOLD. Regular Hermesetas is Saccharine

Where in the US can I purchase Hermesetas?

Hermesetas is a brand of sweetener that is widely available for purchase online. It can be found on websites like Amazon, Walmart, and Target, as well as on the official Hermesetas website. Additionally, some specialty grocery stores or health food stores may carry Hermesetas products.

Is sorbitol safe to use as a substitute for sugar?

Sorbitol, which is a fake sweetener, is not safe to use as a substitute for sugar. The fake sweeteners contain large amount of synthetic additives which can be unhealthy for one to consume.

Do hermesetas have any side effects?

i have come out in a rash all over my body can it be related to hermesetas i took it for the first time yesterday?

Is sorbitol organic?

sorbitol is organic

What are the elements in mouth wash?

Some brands of mouthwash may contain fluoride or water. They may also contain alcohol, sorbitol, or other types of sweeteners.

What type of alcohol is sorbitol?

Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol.

What type of precaution should be used with activated charcoal and infants?

Some activated charcoal products contain sorbitol. Sorbitol is a sweetener as well as a laxative, therefore, it may cause severe diarrhea and vomiting. These products should not be used in infants.

Can sorbitol cause vomiting and diarrhea?

Yes, sorbitol can cause vomiting and diarrhea in people who are sensitive or intolerant to sorbitol.

What stores in North Carolina can you purchase Hermesetas?

There does not appear to be really any stores in North Carolina that sell Hermesetas. The best option would be to purchase from a speciality store or online at Amazon.