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There are no harmfiul; effects of ginger. Ginger is classified as a herb which have been widely used as traditional medicine or spice in many cultures throughout the world. Ginger is often referred to as a root, but it is actually an underground stem (called rhizome).

Ginger is known to have more than twelve types of anti-oxidants, making it useful for treatment of many disorders. Like other spices, it has aphrodisiac properties and is used widely for medicinal purposes. This herb contains essential oils, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, choline, folic acid, inositol, manganese, panthotenic acid, silicon, and a small amount of vitamin B3.

The medicinal uses of ginger is almost endless. If you can stomach the spiciness, it does wonders in treating many disorders.



Digestive disorder


Impotency (yes really)


Menstruation disorders

Morning sickness

Pain killer

For a cold, Cut up a small piece of ginger and boil it with a small cup of pure drinking water. Add some green tea leaves if you wish. Strain and drink when hot. Effective if you also have fever resulting from the cold. You may also drink this concoction if you feel a cold coming.

For a strong chesty cough, drink ginger juice with raw honey three to four times a day for a bad throat. It is soothing and helps clear up phlegm.

Warning! Do not give ginger juice to young children, or honey to infants!

Fresh ginger juice is very potent as it contains high levels of active enzymes and substances. Only a teaspoonful is needed to feel its efficacy in treating disorders.

More does not mean better. Ginger does contain moderate amounts of oxalate. Individuals with a history of oxalate-containing kidney stones should avoid over-consuming ginger or its juice.

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No. It will help you relax.

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No. If the tea is prepared from a teabag in cold water, the tea will be weaker than hot tea, and this could result in fewer health benefits as you'd be consuming less tea. However, if the tea is of equal strengths, drinking it hot or cold shouldn't make any difference.

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