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Q: Does hypothyroidism or synthetic thyroid hormone affect urine tests for THC?
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Does thyroxine affect hair dyes?

No, there is not data supporting thyroxine to affect hair dyes. Thyroxine is a thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland.

How does hypothyroidism affect hemoglobin levels?

Having hypothyroidism can affect your hemoglobin levels because the low levels of thyroid causes the hemoglobin levels to drop too. These are also linked to B12 deficiency and macrocytic anemia.

Diets for Thyroid Problems?

Thyroid problems usually fall into one of two categories: hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is when your body does not produce enough thyroid hormone, or it produces enough hormone but does not absorb it effectively. Hyperthyroidism is when your body produces too much thyroid hormone. The symptoms of hypothyroidism include weight gain, constipation, a horse voice, fatigue, headaches, and aches in the arms and legs. In general, hypothyroidism is a slowing of the body's systems. Some people report that medications do not seem to work well when the thyroid is underperforming. Hyperthyroidism symptoms include anxiety, weight loss, and heart palpitations. Goitgrogens are foods that affect the way the thyroid functions. Foods in this class inhibit thyroid hormone production and should be avoided by anyone with hypothyroidism. Cabbage, millet, cassava, mustard greens, soy and spinach are all common goitgrogens. Patients with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism should eat plenty of lean meats, fish, poultry, antioxidant-containing foods, and most vegetables. Patients with hyperthyroidism can also eat foods that contain goitgrogens. However, soy should only be eaten with the approval of your doctor if you are taking any kind of thyroid medication. A healthy lifestyle is important for the treatment of thyroid hormone disorders. Exercise has a beneficial effect on both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, so patients with either should get at least 30 minutes of exercise five days per week. Some herbs and supplements may be effective for treating disorders of the thyroid. Sometimes thyroid problems are caused by a lack of iodine; in these cases, iodine supplements can be beneficial. This is rarely a problem in countries like the United States, where all commercially available table salt contains iodine as an additive, but can be a problem in developing countries. Sufferers of hypothyroidism might consider taking selenium supplements, since a lack of selenium in the blood can cause the body to absorb inadequate amounts of thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism sufferers may benefit from supplements of vitamins A, C, and E, which are antioxidants. Anyone with a thyroid disorder should consult a doctor regarding the consumption of alcohol and caffeine, both of which can disrupt the body's metabolism.

What happens in someone doesnt have a thyroid?

if you don't have a thyroid, or you have a thyroid but it is not functioning as it should to produce enough thyroid hormone, then you are hypothyroid.The purpose of thyroid hormone is to deliver oxygen and energy to cells, tissues, glands, and organs throughout the body. The human body needs thyroid hormone in order to survive and function.When you don't have enough thyroid hormone, many of your body processes can slow down, and you may experience a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, weight gain, depression, slow thinking, swelling and puffiness, aches and pains, constipation, among others.

Hypothyroidism Information?

Hypothyroidism is a disease that affects the amount of thyroid hormone produced in the body. Unlike hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism means that the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone. When the body does not produce enough thyroid hormone, it can affect the entire body.SymptomsPeople who suffer from hypothyroidism may exhibit a wide range of symptoms. Many of the symptoms are also symptoms associated with other illnesses. Typically, sufferers of hypothyroidism may exhibit symptoms such as joint pain, cold sensitivity, dry skin, weight gain, and brittle nails. Hair loss, as well as depression, and fatigue are also common symptoms of an under active thyroid. Many people may not experience symptoms immediately. More often than not, the symptoms associated with the condition develop slowly over time.Diagnosing and Treating HypothyroidismDoctors diagnose hypothyroidism through blood testing. Blood is tested for TSH levels. If TSH levels fall outside of a normal range, hypothyroidism is diagnosed. However, certain people may test within a normal range and need an additional test called a T4 test, which tests for thyroid hormone in the body.Hypothyroidism is treated with medication. The medication is designed to replace the thyroid hormone. During the first few months after diagnosis, medication may be altered until the right dosage is found. Many People who suffer from hypothyroidism must have frequent blood tests to determine whether they are taking the right amount of medication.People who suffer from hypothyroidism can alleviate certain symptoms by making small, healthy changes to their diet. Regular exercise is also essential to successfully treating this disease. If symptoms of hypothyroidism persist or worsen, it is advisable to notify a doctor. Treating this disease takes constant work. However, by working with a doctor, it is easily managed.Getting in control of hypothyroidism can be complicated if you do not take care of yourself. The thyroid is an essential part of your body. If hypothyroidism goes untreated, it can lead to other issues, and may eventually result in having to take the thyroid gland out. However, by keeping track of how you feel, as well as how your medication makes you feel each time the dosage is altered, you can get your body back to where it needs to be.

What does an under active thyroid affect?

An under-active thyroid is a condition in which your thyroid gland doesn't produce enough of certain important hormones. It seldom causes symptoms in the early stages, but, over time, untreated hypothyroidism can cause a number of health problems, such as depression, severe fatigue, obesity, joint pain, infertility and heart disease.

What Hormone controls how fast you grow?

Growth hormone, and its derivative IGF-1 controls the rate of growth.Other hormones also affect growth: sexual hormones, insulin and thyroid hormone also affect growth.Corticosteroids retard growth.

Does hashimoto disease affect the heart?

the effect of this disease on the heart is more likely to be related to the replacement therapy of the thyroid hormones than with Hashimoto's disease itself. when the gland starts to breakdown, hypothyroidism may have to be treated by replacing the inappropriately low, or absent endogenous thyroid hormone with a synthetic equivalent such as Synthroid or Levoxyl taken daily by mouth. Should the dose be too high then this can bring about palpitations or irregular heartbeat which in time can weaken the heart and weakened heart. It can also result in osteoporosis. If the hormone is under replaced, it can exacerbate heart failure and change cholesterol profiles to become less favourable, It can also slow the heart rate down. on the other hand, if Hashimoto's resulting in hypothyroidism remains untreated this can also occur.

How surgical hypothyroidism would likely affect prolactin levels?

Thyroid hormones levels decrease, TRH levels increase, and PRL levels increase.

How does the thyroid affect the skin?

Thyroid conditions can affect the skin. When the thyroid gland is producing too much thyroid hormones, also known as hyperthyroidism, a symptom that can occur is the skin becomes smooth. Conversely, if the thyroid gland isn't producing enough thyroid hormones, also known as hypothyroidism, the skin can become dry and itchy. Talk with your doctor if you are undergoing treatment for your thyroid condition and experience long term skin symptoms.

What endrocrine gland produces a hormone that affect tha heart rate?

Both the thyroid and adrenals produce hormones that affect heart rate.

Is hypothyroidism connected to lupus?

Lupus is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune disease that can affect any part of the body including the thyroid. People who have one autoimmune disease usually have other autoimmune diseases in overlap. It is possible for lupus to affect the thyroid, but autoimmune thyroid disease like Hashimoto's thyroiditis could be responsible.