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Q: Does iron deficiency cause hormonal imbalance or PCOS or insulin resistance?
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Insulin deficiency or resistance leads to hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis?

Diabetes Mellitus

What causes pco?

PCOS is caused by insulin resistance. Your body does not process sugar efficiently. As a result, the high levels of sugar in your bloodstream can cause an imbalance in hormone levels. That hormonal imbalance in turn can prevent ovulation from occurring.

Which mineral helps the body maintain normal blood sugar levels?

Magnesium helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Deficiency of Magnesium can lead to insulin resistance or deficeincy of insulin. Both insulin resistance and insulin deficiency can lead to diabetes.

Does type 2 diabetes cause insulin deficiency or insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is caused by obesity and a family history of insulin resistance. You can develop insulin resistance without these, but it's rare. Insulin resistance leads to type 2 diabetes. A type 1 diabetic can develop insulin resistance the same way anyone else does, but becoming obese and by having insulin resistance in the family. In this case, the insulin resistance and the type 1 diabetes are totally unrelated.

How is diabetes caused by a hormone imbalance?

Either too little or no Insulin (hormone) is produced to counteract an increase in Blood Glucose Levels due to hormonal imbalance. If enough Insulin is produced then most of the glucose can be stored and the rest would be excreted by urination. The hormonal imbalance can be genetic but can also be due to a longterm, unhealthy lifestyle where a lot of sugar is consumed and little exercise done. Target cells in the liver become adapted to high BGL and do not produce Insulin to counteract a small increase in BGL.

Can you ovulate when you have PCOS?

Yes you can, but the hormonal imbalance/insulin resistance may make ovulation more infrequent. If you have missed periods frequently, ask your doctor to be tested for PCOS. It is still possible to get pregnant with PCOS, it just may take more time and intervention.

Is diabetes mellitus a chronic condition of elevated blood glucose levels?

Hi!! Yes. Diabetes is a chronic condition of elevated blood glucose levels. Diabetes is caused due to Insulin deficiency or Insulin resistance or both. We require insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal. Once you have insulin resistance or deficiency you require anti diabetic medicines or Insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal.

Doña Felisa is an elderly lady who has a deficiency of the hormone insulin which causes the deficiency disease?

A deficiency of insulin causes diabetes mellitus.

Hormonal control of gluconeogenesis?

Insulin and cortisol

How do diabetes occur?

Hi!! Diabetes occur either due to Insulin deficiency (Pancreas do not make enough Insulin) or Insulin resistance ( Pancreatic cells do not respond to Insulin normally) or both. Thus body cannot move sugar into fat, liver and muscle cells to be stored as Energy. I hope I have answered your question.

What hormone causes you to get type 1 diabetes?

An imbalance of insulin.

How are hyperglycemia and lipidemia of insulin deficiency linked?

Hyperglycemia is the result of insufficient insulin secretion by the pancreas, resulting in high blood glucose levels and the loss of glucose from the body in the urine (glycosuria). When sugars cannot be used as cellular fuel, more fats are mobilized, resulting in high fatty acid levels in the blood, a condition called Lipdemia.