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Yes that matters that is really bad. tht is realllllly sad...

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Q: Does it matter if an 11-year-old girl has a 7-year-old boyfriend?
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How much less should a girl weigh than her boyfriend?

There shouldn't be a certain answer, it doesn't matter, what really matters is how much the boyfriend loves the girl

What to do when a 11yearold girl is alone and does not have any friends?

Well, I'm a boy.. But personally if i were a girl (LOL) i would just throw myself out there and make new friends... Or get a boyfriend. I'm sure you're a pretty girl. You might not see yourself that way but others might What some people see a pile of sh*t, some see beauty

Should you meet with the girl your boyfriend cheated on you with?

No. Your problem is with your boyfriend. There is a social contract in every relationship, and a romantic relationship has a clause on Trust and Fidelity. You have no contracts with anyone else besides your boyfriend. This girl isn't your friend, and neither is any other female stranger. They promised you nothing, and they owe you nothing. Your boyfriend on the other hand, by being in your relationship, promised fidelity and trust. And he, not the girl, broke this promise. It doesn't matter who the girl is. It doesn't matter what she did. If she did those same things with someone else, you wouldn't care. On the other hand, if your boyfriend did whatever it was he did with some other girl besides her, he'd still be breaking your trust. So, no. Your beef is not with the girl, it is with your boyfriend.

Does it matter if a girl and a boy are 8 years apart?

No, If you are boyfriend and girlfriend or if your married it dose not matter as long as you love each other and care for each other.

How can a fat girl get a boyfriend?

It doesn't matter, how "fat" a girl is. That shouldn't matter to a guy, & if it does the guy is not worth it. :) xo

What if a girl likes your boyfriend?

I would confront the girl or warn your boyfriend

Do you have a boyfriend or girl friend?


What to do when your boyfriend doe snt tell you What is the matter?

when he asks you that question one day do it to him or if he is doing something behind your back do something about it girl

You are in love with a girl in 4th grade who hates you and she has a boyfriend?

my young friend this is not love but a crush. if she dislikes you then the fact that she has a boyfriend doesn't matter. I would let her go; maybe she will change her mind in the future

Is it okay if the girlfriend is older than her boyfriend and the girl is also taller by quite a bit?

It doesn't matter, at all. My boyfriend is shorter than me by a couple inches, and nobody makes fun of us for that.

When does a girl get a boyfriend?

Mostly a girl gets a boyfriend at the age 13 or 15