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No it does not mean u have an infection it just means that you are alergect to the type of medle they used to perice it or the type of medal on your earring

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Q: Does it mean you have an infection if your gums swell after a tongue piercing?
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How do you keep tongue piercing from effecting the gum?

dont pierce the gums

Is it safe to get a tongue piercing if you're all the time getting those canker soars in your mouth on your gums?

I dont think that would be the safest thing to do, its a read flag for infection

What is the worst thing that can happen from a infected tongue piercing?

The two blue veins that run along under your tongue could be punctured.Your tongue could swell so badly that it engulfs the jewelry.You run the risk of damaging your gums and teeth.

What kind of yeast infection could it be?

It depends which part of the body you are talking about for you can have a yeast infection: In your vagina, in your mouth; under your tongue, on your tongue, between your gums and cheeks, on your fingers and toes.

Is it bad to get a tongue piercing after you got your wisdom teeth pulled just one week ago?

You should probably wait another week or so. You have gaps in your gums where your wisdom teeth were, and those gaps are highly susceptible to infection at first. If you were to get an infection there, it would be very painful and could cause further problems. Getting your tongue piercing exposes your mouth to new issues. The actual piercing could infect it - it can get pretty germ-y in your mouth. Also, you'll be in pain from the piercing, at least for the first few days - are you up to that so soon?

What are the riskof gettin a piercing onyour tonuge?

12 Health Risks reported by the ADA1. Severe bleeding or nerve damage: if the needle punctures a blood vessel during the piercing, severe and difficult-to-control bleeding could occur.2. Infection: the mouth contains millions of bacteria, and bacterial infection is a common complication from tongue piercing.3. Pain: healing time prolonged.4. Swelling: the tongue could swell large enough to close off the airway.5. Disease transmission: The National Institutes of Health ( has identified piercing in general as a possible vector for blood borne hepatitis (hepatitis B, C, D and G) transmission. In addition, there is risk of other disease transmission such as HIV.6. Choking hazard: tongue jewelry could come loose in the mouth creating a choking hazard.7. Chipped or cracked teeth: tongue jewelry can chip or crack the teeth.8. Enamel loss: tongue jewelry can increase the risk of damage to teeth enamel.9. Recessed gums: The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) has reported that tongue piercing increases the risk for recessed gums.10. Tooth loss: The ADA has reported that tongue piercing increases the risk for loose teeth and tooth loss.11. Scar tissue formation: thick scarring could form at the piercing site.12. Speech Interference: tongue jewelry can interfere with speech.

Where is the vein to look for when piercing a tongue?

I really have no clue, but please, don't pierce your tongue! It can cause many dental problems, like receding gums, a swollen tongue, and it's especially painful. Nobody uses and pain-number when piercing tongues. The tongue ring can also scratch the enamel off teeth, causing you to get a ton of cavities and eventually your tooth to fall out. It can also cause tooth pain. If you pierce a nerve or a vain, your tongue could swell so much you would suffocate (it happens pretty often), or your tongue would permanently hurt so long as you kept the ring on. Seriously, do not pierce your tongue!!!!!!Even though some of the above is correct, it doesnt really answer the question.Don't pierce your tongue yourself. You risk infection, disease contraction, and severe blood loss. Go to a professional and they'll know where to pierce it.

Does it matter how large your tongue is in order to pierce it?

When you go to book your appointment have the piercer look at your tongue before hand to tell you if there is enough free room for a tongue piercing. If you are told there is not enough room, then take that as fact and find something else to get done. Be aware that there are some less than reputable piercers who will attempt to pierce a tongue that just doesn't have the safe room for a piercing. This can cause damage to the gums and teeth more than a standard tongue piercing would cause.

Ive done my tongue piercing couple of days ago its not swollen but my gums at the bottom hurt why will the pain go away?

It's probably because of the long bar in your tongue. Long bars are necessary because they allow your newly-pierced tongue to swell without swallowing the jewelry. If its really painful, go to your piercer after the swelling goes down to get a shorter bar. Or you could just wait till it fully heals and change it yourself.

Can you get your lip pierced if you have infected gums?

You can but you absolutely shouldn't. Your body is already working overtime trying to get rid of the infection and it wouldn't be able to handle a new piercing. The infection could get worse and the piercing would take longer to heal. A real professional body piercer wouldn't do any form of piercing lip or otherwise if you are fighting and infection. A gum infection is due to poor oral care, the chances of a secondary infection setting into the new piercing is very high. Get your infection under control and healed then consider a piercing once your dentist and doctor say it's safe to proceed.

What health hazards can Tongue piercings cause?

* Infection * Chipped Teeth * Difficulty Eating * Pain * Swelling * Receding Gums * Loose Teeth

What should you do for sore gums and tongue?

For gums you should soak in salt water. for a tongue leave it alone i guess