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It takes longer to cool off, but mostly depending on the temperature.

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Q: Does it take longer for water to cool or heat up?
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What does water take longer o do than land?

Water takes longer to heat up and to cool down then it does for land.

Does it take longer for a house to cool or to heat up?

It would take longer for the house to cool down because hot air can heat up the house faster

Why does it take water longer to cool down?

Because the specific heat of water is very high. In fact, water has about 1400 times more heat carrying capacity than air.

What type of material retains heat the best?

insulators although they take a long time to heat up, it takes a longer time to cool down. that's why if you heat water in a metallic container it takes more time for the water to cool down than the coontainer.

If Specific heat of water is greater than that of land This means?

Water heats and cools slower than land. It is because the specific heat is the amount of heat that it takes to be raised to a certain temperature. If the heat is higher it would take longer to heat and cool. That is my interpretation anyways.

Why does bread take longer to rise in a cool room then in a warm room?

because the yeast reacts to heat.

Why do bubbles last longer in hot water?

Bubbles last longer in cool water because the cold water doesn't take energy from the bubbles

Does hot water cool faster than cool water?

yes, hot water just cools down cold water will turn into ice which will take longer

Does the amount of water affect when the water boils?

yes. the more water the longer it would take for the heating element to heat the water. the less water, the less time it would take to heat.

Which is more efficient for cooling a mass of cold water or a mass of cold air?

A mass of cold water.This is because the molecules are closer together in water than air, so there's more molecules to take away the heat, in a manner of speaking.Generally speaking, liquids have a higher heat transfer coefficient than gasses.A:The mass of cold water definitely. I actually just finished an experiment that tested that question the water was at least an hour faster.

When you add an object in water why does it take longer to heat up?

because the object needs also to heat up

Why does water take longer to melt than tomato sauce?

Because when you are cooking sauce it's thicker then water so it takes longer to heat.