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Q: Does it work out if thirteen year old friends go out and go back to being friends after?
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Does staying friends with an ex work?

NO. Trust me when I say this. I tried being friends with my ex (we were good friends before the relationship), but it never worked out. We eventually got back into a relationship and it just didn't work that way either. Save yourself the hurt, and don't try to be friends with them.

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cool work with how smart you are get friends to back you up don't command them but kind of let them guard you if you take control it will never end so get a bunch of friends who are cool P.S. being cool is a opinion

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see a medium. they will work out why this is happening to you and your friends

How do you get your friends back but they don't like me being emo?

If they don't like your lifestyle you have two options. You can find new friends that accept you. Or change so that your old friends will accept you. You could try talking to your old friends but it may not work. Being Emo is not healthy and has made you lose friends! Maybe you should consider changing.

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If you are unpopular but have lots of friends and like a guy who is popular how do you get the guy you like to like you back besides just being yourself?

If "just being yourself" doesn't work, then perhaps you should rethink liking a guy who won't like you for who you are.

Can a long distance relationship work when your thirteen?

It does for me

Your friends are being really mean to you and one of your friends keeps lying about you to your other friends now they hate you what should you do?

Try to get things straightened out first but if that doesn't work then maybe you should leave them-if that's how they behave then they aren't real friends. Perhaps you should try to get new friends as it's possible that they will soon come crawling back when they see you are happy with others.

When can you go back to work?

If you are under a doctor's care, you can go back to work when your doctor releases you to go back to work. This will depend on what is being treated and how well you respond to that treatment.

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You can find work most anywhere and you will always have plenty of friends.

What to do when i have crush on some boy?

start out just being friends then work your way up.

How do you know when its okay to date your best friend?

You both have to be mature enough to agree that if it doesn't work out between you guys then you with go back to being friends no problem. But sometimes its just best to remain friends because sometimes its not worth lossing a great friendship over.