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vitamin water

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Q: Does lettuce seed grow faster using vitamin water or tap water?
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Can you wash iceberg lettuce?

Yes you can, but don't do it with hot water. The iceberg lettuce can actually go bad faster by washing it with hot water.

How should you put a human vitamin in a plant for a science project?

Try dissolving the vitamin in water and using that to water your plant.

Do plants grow faster with vitamin water or tap water?

No. If you water a plant with vitamin water the soil starts molding, the seeds do not sprout and it smells really bad! I've tried this myself at home that's how I know! yes plants will grow no plant will not grow

What has more nutrition value cabbage or lettuce?

Cabbages are rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A. These are all natural antioxidants, which help suppress cancer and heart disease inducing free radicals. Vitamin C is especially important, as it is water soluble and cannot be stored in the body. Daily replenishment is essential. They also have moderate levels of dietary fiber, and a bit of protein. Romaine lettuce leads the pack with the most nutrition per calorie. In one cup of romaine lettuce - 8 calories - provides 82%DV of vitamin A, nearly 20% of vitamin C, and a whopping 70%DV of vitamin K. It also has a generous helping of manganese, potassium, dietary fiber, and folates. Iceberg lettuce (lettuce that heads like cabbage) offers much fewer nutritional benefits than romaine or butter leaf lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is relatively devoid of nutrition. So it's difficult to say which is more nutritious, cabbage or lettuce, as it depends on what types you are eating. In general, though, I would venture to say that cabbage is generally more nutritious than lettuce.

Why do vitamin C dissolve faster in hot water?

All salts dissolve faster in hot water than in cold water. This is because hot water has more energy (which we record as heat) and therefore the water molecules are moving with more energy and at a faster rate. This increases the rate at which the water molecules interact with the vitamin C molecules, during which the vitamin C is separated into its two ions (generally a hydrogen ion and ascorbate ion). When the vitamin C separates into ions, it dissolves into the water.

What is the common name for the water lettuce?

water lettuce

Do crocdiles run faster on water?

yes they move faster by using there tail

Does a vitamin C tablet dissolve faster in hot or cold water?

As a rule, solids (like a Vitamin C tablet) dissolve faster in hot water than cold water. As you raise the temperature, the fugacity of the solid increases thus increasing the driving force for dissolving.

What s the consumer of water lettuce?

is a water lettuce a producer consumer or decomposer

Wicth has more water lettuce or watermelon?

a lettuce.

What will make bar soaps dissolve faster in water?

using hot water will dissolve it.

What are the nutrients of lettuce?

Well it depends on what kind of salad you're eating! Romain lettuce contains B vitamins while Iceburg Lettuce has little nutritional value. Different dressings contain fats and some are more healthy for you than others. Chicken adds protein but the chicken is best if it is grilled. Almonds are delicious in salad and help your memory :)