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Q: Does liver damage cause your taste buds to be affected?
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Why do you lose your taste buds when your in a car accident?

If a scull fracture results in damage to nerves that help transmit the signals for taste, taste will be affected. Even damage to the smell cranial nerves will affect the sensation of taste.

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They are filter feeders that help clean the water; however, due to pollution the taste of the mollusk can be affected and cause illness

Why we cant eat potato raw?

You can eat raw potatoes. They have a starchier taste than cooked potatoes and have a hearty crunch!Actually, the tubers of the potato plant are somewhat poisonous in their raw state due to an alkaloid called solanine. Excessive intake of raw potatoes can cause liver, heart, and gastrointestinal damage.

Do sun flower seeds damage your taste buds?

Sun flower seeds do not damage taste buds. Extreme cold or heat could damage taste buds. Smoking, dry mouth, infections, alcohol, or extremely sour foods might also damage taste buds but the taste buds would eventually heal.

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Can head trauma damage taste buds?

Well,yes kinda, head trauma can't damage taste buds themsleves becasue they are in your mouth, on your tounge. But head trama can damage your brain and make you less able to taste.

What does over stimulation of the taste buds do to the sense of taste?

It causes brain damage

What is the Taste of citric acid and tartaric acid?

If you ever remember trying sour skittles, and eating the powder that is left behind, that is mostly citric acid. I personally like the way it tastes, but too much of it can cause damage to your tounge, teeth, liver, and other parts of the body. source: 8th grade science teacher

What is the physiological process that would be affected by the lack of smell?

The sense of taste would be affected by the lack of smell. The sense of taste influences food preferences and food choices.

Does after eating a hot pepper affect your taste buds?

no there is no permanent damage no there is no permanent damage