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cheese does have more calcium than cheese because it is in a solid state

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Q: Does milk have more calcium than cheese?
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Related questions

Does beer have more calcium than milk?

yes it does have calcium in it

Does almond milk have more calcium than cow milk?

No. Cow's milk have more calcium than almond milk.

Does cheddar cheese have calcium?

Yes. As does every other cheese.Considering cheese is made from milk and that milk contains calcium, all cheese contains calcium.Parmesan cheese contains the most calcium out of all cheese types.

Whole milk has more calcium than skim milk.?


Why does low fat milk have more calcium than full cream milk?

Skimmed milk has a little more calcium than semi-skimmed, which in turn has a little more calcium than whole milk. The reason is simply that as the fat is removed, the watery proportion of the milk goes up, and this is the part that contains the calcium. Read more in the "sources and related links" down below.

How is Calcium used in the real world?

Calcium is used in milk.... although you can get more calcium in a glass of skim milk than when it has fat

How does cheese making preserve food?

Cheese is made from milk, and cheese can be preserved more easily than the milk from which it is made.

Is cheese healthy?

It has a lot of fat in it, but it also has calcium in it from the milk so its fattening, but dairy product. Don't be scared of mouldy cheese , It is actually very tasty but it really as proper mould in it.

What Vegetable has more calcium in one serving than a glass of milk?

Kale has more calcium than milk, ounce for ounce (and no pus and bacteria and animal cruelty).

Why does cheese have more nutrients than milk?

more nutrients

Does cheese have more fat in it than chocolate cake?

It depends on the type fo cheese, and what milk it was made from. A whole milk cheese will have more fat in it, but a reduced-fat cheese (made with 2% or skim milk) will have less fat in it.

Which has more calcium skim or whole milk?

Skim is the healthiest milk. It is the lowest in calories and has a higher calcium content than whole or low-fat milks. As an extra benefit, it's also the cheapest.