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The zygote is formed when two sex cells join to become haploid. It is at this stage that the zygote begins to split and make more cells. It keeps doing this for 5 days until it is called a blastocyst, which is a ball of cells. After this point, the blastocyst is called an embryo or fetus. The embro continues to make cells which eventually become specialised, like skin cells and muscle cells.

It doesn't have anything to do with conservation of mass, just splitting and making thousands of new cells until the zygote becomes a baby.

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dont know and dont care hahahaha lol

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Q: Does mitosis allow the zygote body to grow?
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Does mitosis happen before or after the zygote is formed?

The zygote results from the combination of gametes (sperm and egg) during fertilization. The zygote undergoes mitosis after this, so that it can divide and grow into an organism.

When a fertilized egg undergoes mitosis and cell division?

A zygote is created by the fertilization of two haploid cells created by meiosis. Because a zygote is fertilized by two haploid cells, it is diploid. It then has to divide and grow though mitosis like any other body cells.

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they divide and grow by undergoing a process called as mitosis

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This sounds like the interphase od mitosis.

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the answer is N. Spores grow gametophytes that produce a haploid gamete through mitosis once fertilization occurs the product is a zygote that is 2n which will grow into a sporophyte that produces spores through meiosis.

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Your cells have to grow, repair themselves and reproduce. Mitosis is the process in which they do this.

What does mitosis allow organisms to do?

reproduction of a cell by division into two approximately equal parts

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Multicellular organisms grow through a process called mitosis. In mitosis, the cell divides itself in two to make more cells and make more body mass.