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Modding affects the console.

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Q: Does modding an xbox 360 affect the console or the hardrive or is it just the account?
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no it only affects the modded account.

Does modding xbox 360 affect the disc?

Modding your 360 does not affect anything in a negative manner. Your original discs will work the same as they did before. -Personal experience from modding XBOX 360 for 3 years.

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It can do alot. Some make your comp. slower. And some can wipe out your entire hardrive. It depends on the virus.

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Does modding an xbox 360 affect the harddrive or just the account used?

It affects the saved data on your hard drive to see this you can see other profiles on your hard drive. And if your wondering you can't cause permeant damage to your hard drive you just may loose progress you had on that game

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Yes Console region doesn't affect controllers

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Yes, you can. Simply remove the hard drive then insert your new one. Unless your Xbox LIVE account is on the old hard drive, then it will not affect your Xbox LIVE experience. If your account is on the old hard drive, you can move it by selecting it inside of your Storage settings, then hitting Move. After that, just choose your new hard drive and the transfer will begin.

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No, having a YouTube account will not affect your computer in any negative way.

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No, it will only affect ur joint account. Then cannot touch your other account.

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