

Does money grow on trees for real?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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Lvl 1
14y ago

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No, but there is a plant called the money plant, or money tree plant that makes seed pods that look like large coins.

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14y ago
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4y ago

Yes and in asian culture it's said to bring good luck and money into the house.

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Money never grow on trees?

physicly, money doesn't grow on trees. but money is made out of paper, and paper comes from trees. so money doesn't grow on trees but the trees make paper, which makes money. hope u enjoyed ur answer!

What does it mean when someone says money doesn't grow on trees?

It means that you have to work for money, it's not easy to come by. People will say money doesn't grow on trees, because typically trees are abundant, and the things that grow on trees are easy to get. You have to work for true money.

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they cant its just an expression

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do money grow on trees

Can money grow on trees?

Maybe if you believe. :)

Why can't money grow from trees?

if you are smart you would know that money can't grow from trees and you are the stupidest person alive also money is paper and you cant grow paper even if paper is made from trees so why even ask the question. this is all i can say.

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it lets you grow money trees by planting 100 bells it will sprout.

Can you make money trees?

I'm not sure but I have heard there is one in Washington, by the White House. As I said I am not very sure of that. No, of course not. Think about it? A tree which grows it's ''own'' coins and notes?

What doesn't grow on trees?

Money! That's what my parents say!

How does a money plant grow?

well A money tree grows but first ur gonna need a couple things 1.pot 2.soil 3.tree branch 4.(the most important thing) MONEY!! money trees are not real