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The more carbon dioxide the hotter the planet gets. The hotter the planet gets the more wild fires happen. For every fire that occurs more carbon dioxide is released.

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Q: Does more heat mean more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?
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What atmosphere contains a large amount of carbon Dixie?

Assuming you mean "carbon dioxide", the atmosphere of Venus is made up mainly of carbon dioxide.

How do scientists think that increased carbon dioxide levels contribute to global warming?

Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases capture and retain the sun's heat. Increased carbon dioxide levels mean that more and more of this heat is retained. This is warming the earth and the atmosphere all round the world - global warming.

What happens if you add more carbon to the atmosphere?

Assuming you mean cabon dioxide, this is a problem we are having now. The carbon dioxide, along with a few other gasses, trap heat from the sun and cause global warming. This is known as the greenhouse effect.

Name the form of carbon in the atmosphere reservoir?

Do you mean just the form of carbon in the atmosphere, or every where? If you mean in the atmosphere it's Carbon Dioxide, but if you mean everywhere it's in limestone, trees, the ocean, and other places. Sorry if this doesn't help ya.

What does densest atmosphere mean?

It means that a planet is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, such as Venus

What does an increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere mean?

It means there is more greenhouse gases in the air. Greenhouse gases absorb and hold the sun's heat. So an increase means that the atmosphere gets warmer, globally (global warming).

Does plant breed out carbon dioxide?

If you mean 'breathe' out, then no. They take in carbon dioxide, and with the presence of water, go through photosynthesis and convert it into oxygen and carbohydrates, which they then release into the atmosphere.

What does carbon dioxide do to the Venus's atmosphere?

Just as the earth has naturally-occurring carbon dioxide in its atmosphere, so also does the planet Venus have naturally-occurring carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. Because the concentration of carbon dioxide is so high in the Venetian atmosphere, it has a more considerable greenhouse effect.

What does CO2 mean in global warming?

CO2 stands for carbon dioxide, one atom of carbon and two of oxygen. It is a greenhouse gas that captures the sun's heat in the atmosphere and too much of it is causing global warming. The problem comes because we cut down forests and are now burning fossil fuels which release the carbon dioxide.

How would the amount of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere change if there were no plants and animal?

If there were no plants it is unlikely that there would be any atmosphere at all. Plants remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and are a vital part of the carbon cycle. No plants would mean huge increases of greenhouse gases in the air and a runaway greenhouse effect. Animals on the other hand would make little or no difference to the levels of carbon in the atmosphere.

Does a rise in population mean carbon dioxide levels rise?

Yes, because every person has a carbon footprint, some larger than others. So, as populations increase, so do carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

How does the burning of fossil fuels impact the carbon cycle?

Power plants burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) add to global warming. Global warming puts more heat (energy) into the atmosphere. This will probably mean a wetter atmosphere and increased precipitation.