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Q: Does moyamoya make you loose memory?
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Can a pcm loose its memory?

Yes. If the battery is disconnected in most vehicles, the PCM will loose it's memory.

What is treatment for moyamoya disease?

There is no cure for moyamoya disease. Early treatment is important to avoid mental and physical impairment. Treatment options include medications and surgical revascularization

What causes moyamoya disease?

The cause of moyamoya disease is unknown. Possible explanations for the disorder include injuries to the brain, infection, multifactorial inheritance, genetic factors, or other causes

What types of medical professionals assist in treatment of moyamoya disease?

medical professionals involved in the care of patients with moyamoya disease generally include specialists in neurology, neurosurgery, neuroradiology, and anesthesiology.

What is the prognosis for individuals with moyamoya disease?

Moyamoya disease tends to be more progressive in children than in adults. In those patients who don't stabilize clinically, significant disability or death may occur.

Can moyamoya disease travel down your spinal cord?

Moyamoya disease is a cerebrovascular disorder. It is a rare condition in which the walls of the "internal" carotid arteries - which supply blood to important areas of the brain - become thickened.

Of what benefit is surgery to patients with moyamoya disease?

The purpose of revascularization surgery in moyamoya disease is to augment or redirect blood flow in the brain. Surgical revascularization has been reported to improve cerebral blood flow

WHAT AGE do teachers loose memory?

at the age of 95

How does sperm effects you?

by removing sperm i loose my memory

What is the condition where you have no circle of willis?

It is called moyamoya and it an extremely rare genetic condition.

What is Moyamoya Syndrome?

It is a disease of the arteries of the brain.... That requires surgery..... It is extremely rare.....

What tests are used to diagnose moyamoya disease?

studies used to establish the diagnosis of moyamoya disease include cerebral angiography , magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) , magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and computed tomography (CT ) scan