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Laws do not exist to address this, plus there's an overall lack of case law. You will need to to set a precedence through the courts.

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Q: Does my son have visitation rights to his half brother after their father has died and both children are minors?
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What is the definition of standardized visitation for minors?

See link

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The parent would get support from the children's father--only while the children are in her custody as minors.

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Can a sixteen year old refuse visatation with father?

You should be able to ask the judge who presided over the divorce, or if there is a caseworker assigned to the family, that would be a better place to start. * A sixteen-year-old does not have that right automatically. Legally, the father still has the right to his visitation time. If a father is emotionally or physically abusive, the mother or an attorney acting on behalf of the child may petition the court for a change in the custoday order. * No, minors are not allowed to make such decisions when there is a visitation order in place. Generally the law does not address issues of alledged emotional or verbal abuse as there is such a wide definition of such behavior. The custodial parent can petition for a change in the visitation rights of the non custodial parent, but rarely will visitation be suspended under the cited circumstances, however, supervised visitation might be an option.

Are all gangsters children?

The majority are minors.

Can you legally adopt your yonger brother or sister if you are a minor?

Minors are not allowed to adopt.

What kind of father chooses the mistress over his children?

A man that chooses his minor children over his mistress is not a man at all. If the children are no longer minors then it is none of their business what he does in his life even thought it breaks their hearts; the decision is up to the father and mother to decide what is best.ANSWER:This man can't be a father, or good father if he choose the mistress, over his children. A man who only think of himself and his needs tells a lot of who he is. I wonder what his mother will think if she knows her son is not worthy.

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Why are minors treated differently from adults?

Minors are treated differently from adults because they are considered to be more vulnerable and less capable of making sound decisions due to their lack of life experience and brain development. The legal system aims to protect minors by setting age-specific rules and regulations to safeguard their well-being and guide their behavior until they reach the age of majority.

If you are the stepmother to 3 children who you and their father raised and he dies before you do you have to divide up marital property with the children?

It will depend on the will. If there is no will, the laws of intestacy will apply. In most cases, there are requirements that the children be provided for and the court will divide the estate between the parties, with the minors' share being put in trust.

Where is the largest rehab center for minors in Michigan?

The largest rehab center for minors in Michigan is at the Children's Hospital of Michigan. They have four outpatient locations that help children and adolescents that are recovering from illness or injury.

Is the child have the right to choose to be in mother or father?

No, minors do not have the right to choose where to live.