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Under most circumstances nitrates encourage the growth of algae. Strangely, in some heavily planted tanks with high CO2 levels, higher nitrates seem to inhibit the growth of algae.

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Q: Does nitrates inhibit the growth of algae?
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What happens to water systems when nitrates and phosphates increase?

Plant and algae growth increases

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Nitrates and Phosphates. :)

Phosphates and nitrates entering a lake can cause an explosive growth of algae called?

An "algal bloom".

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nitrates among other things

Does spaying inhibit growth?

No, spaying does not in any way inhibit growth and is actually very beneficial to the dog's health.

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Can water spoil in the refrigerator?

Water can be kept indefinitely in the refrigerator. The darkness will prevent algae growth, and the cold will inhibit mold. If not kept in a tightly sealed container, it can evaporate with time.

What happens when there are too many nitrates and phosphates in a pond?

Nitrates and phosphates are fertilizers, and therefore if you have too much of them in a pond, it will become choked with an excessive growth of algae.

Why does nitrates help plant growth?

Nitrates are essential for the growth of amino acids and therefore are essential for the production plant proteins, which help the plant to grow :)

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nitrates. they feed algae.

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