

Does noise create pollution

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It is dependent upon what the noise is caused by and more often than not the scale tips toward...probably

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Q: Does noise create pollution
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Yes it does create noise pollution because you use it for electronics and the electronics make noise and i like apple juice and elmo's world

When was noise pollution first recognized as a problem?

When we first started to use artificial lighting, we didn't know how damaging it could be for astronomers are for us. Many street light in urban areas were built before we knew what the consequences of light pollution were.

What do you mean by noise polllution?

noise pollution is a noise which afect the pollution

What are the noise pollutants?

Environmental pollution caused by too much noise is called noise pollution.

What are the objectives of noise pollution?

There aren't many aims or objectives for noise pollution. Many aims are against noise pollution because it is physically harmful to the human body.

What is water and noise pollution?

Water pollution: is the contamination of water with pollutants. Noise pollution: a noise above the permitted limit in a given environment.

Why is noise pollution improtant?

noise pollution is important because noise effects animals and people by stress

Why do people think noise is noise pollution?

Noise pollution is noise that is so excessive that it disturbs the balance of human or animal life.

What are some common sources of sound pollution?

Noise pollution is excessive noise that can be harmful to animal or human life. Three main source of noise pollution in a neighborhood include loud car, people that create loud noise and animals such as dogs.

Introduction to noise pollution?

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into nature that can cause a negative change. Pollution can be chemical or it can be energy.

What are the problems with noise pollution in Japan?

As more people pack into Japanese cities noise pollution increases proportionally. Noise pollution and air pollution are connected to an increased number of vehicles on the road.