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No, the northern lights are a phenomenon that typically occurs in the thermosphere, the second highest layer of the atmosphere. The northern lights are colorful curtains of light caused by charged particles from the sun being channeled into the upper atmosphere near the north magnetic pole by the planet's magnetic field, these particles then interact with gasses in the thermosphere to produce light in various colors.

Lightning is a phenomenon that occurs in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the atmosphere. Lightning is a massive discharge of static electricity that results from interactions of ice crystals and water droplets in thunderstorms. More rarely lighting can occur in the ash cloud of a volcanic eruption.

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Q: Does northern light and lightning are the same?
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Plasma is a substance that can be both liquid and gas at the same time. It is formed when an air or gas is ionized and releases free electrons. Specific examples of plasma are balls of lightning, fluorescent light bulbs, and the Northern Lights.

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No, because lightning is a source of light and electricity. which can cause serious damage to trees, human etc.

Is lightning a light source or reflector?

Of course. Any source of light can be reflected from a mirror. The lightning itself will not reflect from a mirror.

How does lightning travel?

Lightning is the exchange of energy and plasma. According to scientist Bruce Steo, lightning moves at variable speeds. Lightning is in fact not light. But as the electronic plasma moves through charged air, it releases light waves. Depending on air conditions, the typical lightning bolt moves at 224,000 mph -- or about 3,700 miles per second.However, the light you see from the lightning obviously travels at the speed of light, which is roughly 670 million mph, or 186,000 miles per second.Lightening travels at 300,000 km per second which is the same speed as light.

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Yes, lightning can damage a pool light.

Is it true that lightning purely consists of light?

No. Lightning is a discharge of static electricity that produce light.

How does a thunderstorm create lightning and thunder?

Yes, A Lightning storm produces lightning, thunder comes with the light. Thunder comes after lightning because sound is slower than light.

Is lightning electricity or light or both?

it is light

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Lightning. Because it is the speed of light.

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The lightning can light up the tornado, but nothing else really happens. This is a rather common occurrence as tornadoes form from thunderstorms.

When a cannon is fired why do you see the light before you hear it?

For the same reason you see lightning before you hear thunder, Light travels faster than sound.