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it is light

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Q: Is lightning electricity or light or both?
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Related questions

Is thunder stronger than lightning?

No, because lightning is a source of light and electricity. which can cause serious damage to trees, human etc.

Is it true that lightning purely consists of light?

No. Lightning is a discharge of static electricity that produce light.

What is the speed of electricity or lightning compared to the speed of sound and light?

The speed of lightning is somewhere between that of light and sound which is why most scientists would agree that the speed of light and the speed of sound make a good comparison to that of lightning and electricity.

Who first used electricity to produce light?

Mother Nature, lightning must be the first to produce light from electricity.

How does lightning become electricity?

Lightning doesn't become electricity. Lightning already is electricity.

What is produced when static electricity is discharged in the air?

An atmospheric discharge of static electricity is called lightning.

What are three things that give of light?

The Sun, Lightning Bugs (or Fireflies), Electricity and Light Bulbs.

What kind of electricity is lightning an example?

Lightning is an example of static electricity

When did Virginia city get electricity?

They received electricity once lightning was harnessed to create the light bulb which was created in Virginia.

Benjamin Franklin proved that light is electric?

No, he proved lightning is a form of electricity

How is lightning related to electrity?

Lightning is like static electricity, except on a much bigger scale. Both lightning and static electricity happen because of the attraction between the opposite charges. protons, and electrons

Is lightning AC or DC voltage?

Lightning is static electricity. It's a buildup of charge, and it is facilitated by charge separation. In that light, it is DC.