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Q: Does not exemplify an attempt made by the us government to remove imperial control over other nations?
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How does the government attempt to keep its population under control?

By offering incentives for families to have only one child.

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He believed in a laissez-faire government (one that doesn't attempt to control the economy)

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The Interstate Commerce Commission was created in attempt to increase control over American businesses in the late 1800s.

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All of the above were atempted.

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To try to control something. To attempt to take control of a situation. To attempt to control something that is beyond a person's power to control.

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A competition between European imperial powers to control Africa

In 1961 the US backed what unsuccessful invasion of Cuba?

{| |- | The event is referred to as The Bay of Pigs. It is the place that Cuban's landed with help from the US in an attempt to take control of Cuba from the government. The US helped those that had been kicked out of Cuba in an attempt to regain US property that the government there had taken away. |}

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Direct Rule: a system of government in which a province is controlled by a central government.

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No. Totalitarianism means the intend or attempt to fully control the lives of citizens. Unless Italians received orders from the government on what church to attend (or to attend church at all), what to like and what to dislike, where to work and where to live, the answer is no.

Which form of managing imperial interests do you think would be most effective and why?

Indirect control of managing imperial interests would be most effective because there is input from local gov't officials, limited self-rule, introduction to future leaders, & government institutions will have local rules as well as European