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Q: Does octane booster increase octane in premium gas?
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Can you run 10.7.1 compression on pump gas?

Yes you can. If your local gas station's premium fuel is lower than 91 go with it and stop by your local car parts store like auto zone and by an octane booster. You will need one with every tank of gas. But if your gas station has 91 or hopefully 93 then you will be set. But an octane booster will help even more but is not necessary with the 91-93 octane

What is in premium gas that's not in regular gas?

higher OCTANE!

98 Monte Carlo stuttering?

bad gas get octane booster

What octane number gas is fine for a Lexus LS 430 Do you need premium?

yes premium gas is required

What type of gas does a Lamborghini use?

Premium or high octane

What kind of gas does a Chrysler breeze takes?

Chrysler says 87-octane fuel is fine for the breeze, but premium can be used to increase +5hp, but not needed.

Do you get better gas mileage by car if you use higher octane gas?

Yes, higher octane gas does give higher gas mileage for your car. However, the increase in gas mileage may not as great as the increase in the price of the higher octane gas.

Is it safe to put octane booster in your sunfire gt?

Is it safe yes, but why do so, a desent bottle of octane booster will cost you 4 bucks, I rather spend that money on better gas. Most octane booster contain 110 octane which honstly I'd buy 94 or 93 octane. If you are talking about fuel injector cleaner, yes that's safe too.

What kind of gas do pocket bikes take?

there recommended for 92 octane or higher with you should use premium gas witch is 93 octane

What causes 1997 Geo Prizm to diesel?

cheap gasoline,try a higher octane gas or add an octane booster to your tank

Should you use regular or premium gas for your BMW 328i?

BMW only takes gas rated at octane 91 or higher, and that is Premium at the gas station.

What type of gas for 1964 Chevy impala ss?

Assuming it has a stock engine, you might want to use premium if it knocks. If not, regular is probably fine. If it does knock, you may have to use octane booster or retard the timing.