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Yes, paracetamol is the medical name for N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide, so it does contain an amide group.

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Q: Does paracetamol contain an amide group?
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What is an amide?

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Paracetamol can come with or without caffeine in it. Sometimes it can contain codeine. I believe over the counter paracetamol comes without caffeine.

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Why is LDA lithium diisopropylamide referred to as an amide when it is obviously just a deprotonated amine?

In chemistry, an amide is usually an organic compound that contains the functional group consisting of an acyl group (R-C=O) linked to a nitrogen atom (N). The term refers both to a class of compounds and a functional group within those compounds. The term amide also refers to deprotonated form of ammonia (NH3) or an amine, often represented as anions R2N-. The remainder of this article is about the carbonyl-nitrogen sense of amide. For discussion of these "anionic amides," see the articles sodium amide and LDA.