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Q: Does pepsin dissolve in limonene
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Will long chain fatty acid dissolve in limonene?

Limonene is a nonpolar solvent and extracted from lemon and orange peel so YES long chain fatty acid will dissolve in it. REMEMBER, fats are nonpolar substances.

What is a hydrocarbon with a scent of oranges?

limonene limonene

Is limonene an acid?


Where and how was limonene discovered?

d-limonene, aka (+)-limonene, was first identified in termpetine oil (0. Wallach and W. Brass, Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1884, 225, 291)

Formula for reaction between limonene and bromine water?

C4H16BR4. Limonene adds 4Br and the two double bond is broken.

What does limonene do in toothpaste?

it is a flavouring agent

Is it possible to extract limonene in orange peelings through a volatile solvent like grain alcohol and how?

Im not really sure about using volatile solvents to extract limonene in orange peelings, but you can use the maceration process which uses a neutral oil to release the natural oils in the peelings along with limonene and distill the oil produced to get limonene.

What food does pepsin begin to breakdown?

Pepsin begins the digetion of Protein. Pepsin is found in the stomach.

In an experiment of Pepsin and BAPNA is pepsin the substrate?

Bapna is the substrate that the enzyme, pepsin, is action on.

Which enzyme works best in alkaline conditions?

Pepsin in the stomach

Where is pepsin produced What is the effect of pepsin on protein?

Pepsin is produced in the stomach. Pepsin is an enzyme that digests (hydrolyses) proteins into smaller polypeptide molecules.