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Neuropathy is a condition of the nerves that causes numbness, tingling, pain or pins and needles sensations in the hands, feet, arms or legs. It occurs differently for different people, but is always caused by nerve damage of some sort. All Neuropathy is caused by damage to the nerves. Nerves are the communication lines of the body. Electrical signals from the brain travel through the nerves and give instructions to the various body parts. The body receives information from the envirnment through the senses and sends this I nformaiton to the brain via the nerves. Breakdown of the myelin sheath around the nerves. Without this protection the electrical signals are not transferred properly just like if you stripped the covering off the electrical wires in you house.

As the nerve damage gets worse, the nerves either l ose their ability to transmit information (numbness) or they start sending false signals (Pain or tingling).

However, if the nerve that is damaged is a motor nerve, it can cause you to lose your balance and other problems depending on what nerve it effects. It is becoming widely known that certain special forms of B vitamins have a lot to do with repairing nerve damage. Some people have tried larege amounts of ordinary B1, B12 or B complex vitamins and they find that it does not help them. Ordinary B vitamins are water-soluble and they wash out of the body long before they get to the required levels needed in your blood stream sot that it can begin repairing nerve damage.

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Q: Does peripheral neuropathy cauxe lack of balance?
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Can salicylate intolerance cause neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy has many causes, one of which is toxin related. As such peripheral neuropathy is a known side effect of some chemotherapy drugs but also the toxic effects upon the body of gluten intolerance and celiac. There is also inflammatory peripheral neuropathy which can be aggravated by inflammation implicated in chronic immune dysfunction. Salicylate is a natural plant toxin produced by plants in different degrees to protect themselves from being eaten by insects. Most people easily detox from it which leaves them able to eat the 70% of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, honey that are not only high in antioxidants but also high in this natural plant toxin of salicylate. Some people lack an enzyme, phenolsulphurtransferase, necessary to properly metabolise salicylates and phenols and they so risk accumulating higher, sometimes toxic salicylate levels. Salicylate intolerance and salicylate allergy can also occur in those who can metabolise salicylate. These immune reactions involve an inflammatory and/or histamine effect on the body. Ingestion of high levels of fluoride (ie eating fluoride toothpaste) can metabolically raise salicylate toxicity. Under such circumstances or because 70% of foods are high in salicylate, inflammation may become chronic, potentially including the peripheral nerves if the peripheral nerves have become exposed. The peripheral nerves are protected by myelin and this is protected by collagen. As such where the myelin has not been under attack (ie as in MS), collagen degeneration may be another route by which myelin becomes exposed, leaving the peripheral nerves vulnerable. Collagen degeneration occurs in conditions like Sjorgrens Syndrome which is also associated with neuropathy and also in Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Food intolerances, food allergies and neuropathy are also more common in those with EDS than in the general population.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy?

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a pain problem dealing with the nerves of the body that some people with diabetes will suffer from during their lifetime. This type of neuropathy occurs in the arms, hands, legs and feet of the patient suffering from diabetes and causes severe nerve pain. The sensory nerves, the motor nerves, and the autonomic nerves are the three nerve systems commonly affected by diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The sensory nerves enable people to feel pain, temperature, and touch. The motor nerves control the body’s muscles, giving them strength and tone. The autonomic nerves allow the body to perform involuntary functions such as sweating.Diabetic peripheral neuropathy does not develop out of the blue in one day. Instead, this problem develops over a lengthy period of time and worsens over time. Some diabetes patients develop this problem well before they are diagnosed with diabetes. If patients suffer from diabetes for a long period of time they are more at risk to develop diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This problem causes a loss of sensation in the body of the patient, which can lead to the development of skin ulcers that can become infected and might not heal.If a patient’s sensory nerves are affected then he or she will likely experience numbness or tingling in the feet, pain or discomfort in the legs, burning feet, sharp pain or a prickly feeling in the feet. If a patient’s motor nerves are affected then he or she will likely experience muscle weakness, loss of muscle tone in the feet or lower legs, a loss of balance, and changes in foot shape that can lead to increased pressure. If a patient’s autonomic nerves are affected then he or she will likely experience dry feet and cracked skin. These two symptoms are the same symptoms of walking around barefoot so anyone that is overweight and continues to suffer from these symptoms should see a doctor to make sure they are not diabetic.The following tips should help people with diabetes prevent developing diabetic peripheral neuropathy nerve pain:• Keep blood sugar levels under control.• Wear well-fitting shoes to avoid getting sores.• Inspect your feet every day.• Visit your foot and ankle surgeon on a regular basis for an examination to help prevent the foot complications of diabetes.• Have periodic visits with your primary care physician or endocrinologist.

What is icd9 code for decreased balance?

781.3 : Lack of coordination

Causes of Neuropathy Symptoms Vary Widely?

The symptoms associated with neuropathy vary, depending upon where the affected nerve is located in the body. Damage may have occurred to one or more types of nerves. Some symptoms that are commonly seen in cases of neuropathy are cramps, spasms, and muscle weakness. Occasionally, neuropathy can cause symptoms that include loss of balance and muscle coordination. Nerve damage can also cause numbness, pain, and tingling in affected areas. The pain seen in neuropathy is typically described as "freezing, burning, or like an electrical charge", or "extreme sensitivity to touch". Neuropathy usually refers to cases of peripheral neuropathy or damage to the peripheral nervous system. It could be caused by disease processes or the side effects of certain illnesses. Some cases of neuropathy affect only one nerve. This type of nerve damage is known as "mononeuropathy". Mononeuropathy is usually caused by the nerve being physically compressed. One well known example is carpal tunnel syndrome- a disorder caused by compression of the nerves in the hand and wrist. The common feeling of "pins and needles" is one example of nerve compression, although temporary in duration. The usual cause is temporary interruption of the blood supply to the affected area, such as when a sleeper lies on their hand or arm for an extended period. Polyneuropathy is another type of neuropathy where nerve cells in multiple areas of the body are affected, most commonly caused by diabetes. The myelin covering of nerve cells are degraded, which prevents electrical impulses normally generated by these cells from being transmitted properly. This causes symptoms in multiple parts of the body, many times they are experienced on both sides of the body at one time. The main symptoms are muscle weakness and lack of coordination, tingling or burning, and dizziness. In addition to diabetes, other potential causes of polyneuropathy include vitamin deficiencies, lyme disease, toxins, and blood disorders. This type of neuropathy usually progresses very slowly, but occasionally can be more rapid in its advance. If symptoms are caused by high glucose levels associated with diabetes that can often be reversed with changes in diet and exercise.

Axons lack what inclusions?

Modest loss of peripheral axons and formation of brain inclusions in mice with targeted deletion of gigaxonin exon.

Can body twitching be a sign of diabetes?

yes, it can due to peripheral neuropathy (lack of nerve stimulation to the muscles) and poor circulation, both of which leads to decreased blood flow to the muscles, which causes muscle atrophy, which includes twitching.

What is the importance of hydrogen to human?

It is important in Ion balance in tissues. It is also required for pH balance, a lack of it means that fluids would be alkaline

Identifying Symptoms Of Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy is a condition caused by damage to nerves located outside the brain and spinal cord. This damage can be caused by environmental factors such as toxins or drugs. Physical trauma may also result in peripheral neuropathy as can inflammatory diseases and nutrient deficiencies. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy differ according to the location and degree of nerve damage.Outward SymptomsMost individuals suffering from nerve damage display such symptoms as tremors, difficulty walking normally, hypersensitive skin, cramps and localized numbness. The inability to move muscles is quite common. This is particularly true in the extremities. Patients often cannot move their fingers or toes properly. Sometimes this loss of motor control is accompanied by the sensation of something covering the skin. Often patients report that their brain registers the sensation of the wearing of socks, a hat or gloves even when this is not the case.Causes of These SymptomsPhysical trauma can compress nerves in the peripheral nervous system, causing a lack of communication to the brain. This is often accompanied by a sense of pain or throbbing in the area. Hyperactive nerve function resulting from electric shock, serious injury such as a puncture wound, a prolonged disruption of normal blood flow to a local area of the body and even deep cuts in the body can lead to a form of peripheral neuropathy.Persons taking certain drugs are also more susceptible to the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. An excessive intake of vitamin B6 has also been shown to increase the chances of nerve damage or nerve inflammation. A number of genetic diseases also lead to a greater likelihood of certain dysfunctions in the nervous system.Diagnosing SymptomsDoctors will usually perform a complete neurological exam to test the patient's reaction to certain stimuli. Loss of motor control may be localized or widespread, and the physician will run tests to determine the extent of the condition. The absence of normal reflex motion is examined in detail. Patients with specific nerve damage often will not be able to react to topical stimulations. Ankle or knee reflex motions are noticeably absent in patients with extensive nerve dysfunction.Patients will also be examined for signs of hypersensitive skin. If the extent of the damage is severe most patients will experience unusual reactions to heat, cold, touching of the skin or contact with certain fabrics and chemicals. The treatment prescribed will depend on the cause of the condition and whether it is localized or widespread.

What are the symptoms of ototoxicity?

ototoxic drugs may cause lack of hearing, and loss of sense of balance.

Why do fingers tips tingel?

can be an indication of a pinched nerve as in carpal tunnel or possibly a lack of blood flow to the fingers seen in diabetes related to peripheral vascular disease.