

Does plants or animals have cell walls?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Plant cells have cell walls, animal cells don't have cell walls.

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Q: Does plants or animals have cell walls?
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What animal has a cell wall?

Plants have cell walls, there are no animals with cell walls.

Are plants and animal cells different?

yea...plants have cell walls and animals don't yea...plants have cell walls and animals don't

Are cell walls just in plants?

There are cell walls in more than just plants. There are cell walls in humans and animals too.

Do animals and plants have cell walls?

Yes, plants and animals have cell walls.

Do plant or animals have cell walls?

No animal has a cell wall, but plants do.

Is cell wall plants or animals?

Plant cell for the support of the stem or stalk.

Why animal cell lack cell wall?

Because animals don't have cell walls and only plants have cell walls and the thing that is crazy is the cells that plants have are kinda similar to the ones than animlas have but not all the way the same so to your question no animals don't have cell walls and only plants do

Cell walls are not found in?

Cell walls are only found in plants, fungi, bacteria and algae and some archae. Animals and protozoans do not have cell walls.

Can a cell wall be in a plant or animals or both?

Animal cells do not have cell walls. Plants and fungi cells both have cell walls.

How is cellular structure beneficial to plants and animals?

Plants have cell walls that prevent them from dessication (water loss). Animals lack cell walls because of nutritional requirements that need to enter the cell via diffusion or osmosis.

Does human cell has a cell wall?

No. Cell walls are found in the cells of plants, bacteria, fungi and algae only. Animals and protozoa do not have cell walls.

Does an animal cll have a cell wall?

No, cell walls are only found in plants. Both plants and animals, however, have cell membranes.