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Q: Does pollen tube grow before or after pollination occurs?
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What does plants grow from?

Pollen grows inside the flower. The pollen acts as a guard for the egg and sperm of the flower. When pollination occurs and the egg and sperm are placed on another plant, fertilization happens to make more new flowers.

How do angiosperms develop?

Life cycle of an angiosperm: 1. Sporophyte (2n) creates spores 2. spores (1n) create gametophytes (1n) (male-pollen grain, female-ovule) 3. the gametophytes create gametes within the pollen grain and ovule 4. pollination occurs: pollen lands on the stigma 5. after pollination occurs, the seeds grow up to sporophytes (2n) and restart the life cycle 1 in every 8 times fertilization occurs, double fertilization occurs.

What is needed for pollination to take place?

In order for pollination to occur, what must happen to the pollen grains is that they have to be transferred to the stigma in a flower of the same species. The stigma is the female part of the flower.

What is the role of bees and hummingbirds in pollination?

the role of bees is to spread pollen for the flowers to grow and the role of the humming birds is to collect necter .

What are the steps of pollination to the point that the seed is formed?

-pollen sticks to the stigma at the end of the pistil -pollen tubes grow down the pistil to the egg cells -sperm cells from the pollen moves down the tubes -fertilization combines DNA

After pollination the pollen grains begin to?

Pollen grains and on stigma of a compatible plant; the pollen grains germinate and grow down the style and into the ovary. Once in the ovary a sperm nucleus from the pollen grain fuses with the ovule (and forms into a zygote or embryo). The pollen tube then degenrates and the ovule forms into a seed.

How does pollination take place in flowering plants?

Pollination is the process of transferring male pollen grains to the stigma of the plant (either the same plant = self-pollination, or another related plant close by = cross-pollination). The pollen grains germinate and grow down the style of the plant where the fuse with the female ovules, this results in an embryo being formed, which then becomes the seed of the plant. Pollination is aided by various (so called) "agents" or "vectors", these are things that assist in moving the pollen grains from the anther to the stigma. Vectors/ agents include: wind, insects (bees, butterflies, ants, moths etc.) water in some cases, animals (cats, dogs, sheep, cows, humans etc.)

What is the difference between pollination and fertilisation?

without fertilization the plant will not grow to it's full extent, without pollination the plant will not produce any fruit/ veggies.

What happen to flower after pollination?

the pollination grow into

What happen to the flower after pollination?

the pollination grow into

Can the flower bears food if the stigma is cut off?

No, because pollen cannot reach the ovary. Stigma is necessary for trapping pollen and for rehydration of pollen tube to grow. So no fertilization occurs.

Can seeds form without pollination?

No, because pollen is required for a pollen tube to be created for the sperm cells to move into the ovary and connect with egg cells (the process of fertilization). Because then the one of the pollen's cells will divide, forming two haploid sperm. When the pollen tube reaches the ovule in the ovary, it enters the embryo sac and releases both sperm cells. Then, two fertilizations (also called double-fertilization) take place.