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Not necessarily. Insurance premiums are based on pooling the risk. Generally the settlements average out and the total of premium income covers all the liabilities of the insurance company. But insurers have to make profits. If a particular employer has a record of making many expensive claims, he is a high risk and the insurer will seriously consider increasing his premiums.

If several employers seem to be particularly 'risk prone', insurers will probably group such 'high risk' employer's into a special group that will all have to pay higher premiums. In this way, employers who have good safety procedures/staff relationships etc will not be penalised by the possible bad management practices of the few who have a pattern of being high/frequent claimants.

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Q: Does premiums go up on the employers wcinsurance after a claim has been made?
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The majority of the times if you file a claim with your insurance company, your premiums will go up, regerdless of fault. Some companies have started accident forgivness programs but are usually bigger companies with higher rates.

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Generally, health premiums are deducted before-tax. This means that when you get your W-2 at the end of the year, the amount taken out for health premiums will already be deducted from the total wages shown in Box 1. You put the total wages down on your tax return. This means that the health premiums are automatically deducted from your taxable wages with no special action required on your part. You cannot claim a second deduction since the premiums have already been deducted from the amount of your taxable wages shown in Box 1 of Form W-2. If you participate in some sort of health plan where deductions are made after-tax, that is the premiums have not already been deducted from the total shown in Box 1 of your W-2, then in that case you can claim a deduction of part of your health care deduction on Schedule A.

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The simple answer is yes, but it is more complicated than that. There is no current law that requires employers to provide health insurance coverage for their employees, so the employer could drop coverage at any time. (When the new Affordable Care Act becomes fully functional, everybody will have to buy insurance and employers who don't provide it will be fined....but many will still drop their employees and pay the fine because the fine will still be cheaper than paying high rates for coverage). But for now.....employers can drop coverage, but must still provide coverage for the month in which they drop the coverage if they try to cancel mid-month. This is because the premiums would have already been paid for that month and you should still get that coverage until that month's premiums have been used up. But the next month, they don't have to pay the premiums and your coverage would end. That being said, you might still be eligible to 'continue' that coverage under the group plan so long as you are willing to pay the full premium, which you might not be able to afford. You'll have to check with the insurer about the availability of 'conversion policies' that allow you to convert from a group plan to a non-group plan.

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I hope you mean the lack of tax deductions. The medical deductions are the same as they have been except the threshold has increased from 7.5% to 10% for most people. You can deduct insurance premiums you pay yourself with after-tax income. This means that the insurance you pay through your employers Section 125, Cafeteria, Section 403 employer, or other pre-tax plans are not deductible. You can claim your co-pays and deductibles but you can't deduct medical expenses paid by insurance.

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List your wife and daughter as primary drivers of the cars they regularly drive and occasional drivers of others. If the company finds that you have been lying to them when you have a claim, you may discover that YOU HAVE NO COVERAGE and all the premiums you have paid were just a gift to the company.

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