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It's actually the other way round. Carbon dioxide is used in some fire extinguishers to put fires out. It prevents oxygen from reaching the fire and the fire cannot continue to burn.

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Q: Does removing carbon dioxidee prevent a fire starting?
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a) diffused carbon dioxideb) a high concentration of oxygenc)no gasesd)a high concentration of carbon dioxidee)waste materials needed by cellswhy would u Evan do dis i mean i no what the choices are da*nthey contain no gases

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The carbon cycle is a process where carbon is removed and returned to the atmosphere. The ways of returning carbon to the atmosphere are- 1. Respiration 2. Decomposition 3. Combustion Ways of removing carbon- Photosynthesis. The CO2 in the air is taken in by green plants for photosynthesis. The green plants die eventually and is decomposed; decomposition return carbon to the atmosphere. Animals respire and return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Decomposers respire as well. Green plants can be used to make fuels, which combust to return carbon dioxide to the air.

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