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Q: Does removing one ovary cause early menopause?
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Is it possible to go through menopause at age 26 if you only have one ovary?

Just because you have one ovary, does not mean the time period that your body deems necessary for carrying children shortens. Although rare, early menopause is possible and has many causes. Severe medications, and drugs used for cancer treatment such as chemotherapy have been known to be a factor in early menopause. Regardless of the cause, if you haven't had a period for more than three months your best bet is to check it out with your gyno.

What if a woman has had one of her ovary removed in her 20's can that send her into menopause at a younger age?

Early age menopause is a scaring things to go through,Early menopause can make someone feel like her beauty is being taken away. This doesn't have to be a complete tragedy. There are ways to fight and there are ways to cope if it is coming.

Why take AMH test in Delhi?

To check if a woman is able to produce eggs that can be fertilized for conception Helps to determine how many potential egg cells a woman is left with Evaluate the cause of early menopause Helps to determine the cause of amenorrhea or the lack of menstruation Helps to diagnose polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

What are alternatives to salpingo-oophorectomy?

Depending on the specific condition that warrants an oophorectomy, it may be possible to modify the surgery so at least a portion of one ovary remains, allowing the woman to avoid early menopause.

What prat is a ovary?

An ovary is a female reproductive organ. Women are born with two ovaries which hold eggs. Each month from puberty until menopause, an egg is released for potential fertilization.

When removing an ovary what body cavity must open?

ventral cavity

Do you go through the menopause earlier if you have only one ovary?

Typically the only result of having one ovary is that you produce half as many eggs. It can be harder to get pregnant, but it is also not uncommon for women to have only one functioning ovary and not even know it.

What cause the prominent bulge in the surface of the ovary?

Tertiary Follicle

What is Salpingo?

salpingo = fallopian tube. ooperectomy = ovary. Therefore salpingo-oopherectomy is removal of one side (unilateral) or both (bilateral). If bilateral the you will go into immediate menopause if premenopausal

Is it possible to twist an ovary?

Yes it is. That is called ovarian torsion and can become a medical emergency. Typically, cysts are what cause this. The weight of a large ovarian cyst could cause an ovary to twist. If it twists a lot, the blood supply to the ovary could become compromised, and the ovary may start to die through the process known as gangrene. Then blood poisoning could result.

What would happen if i didn't have a ovary?

First, it would depend on why you only have one ovary-- most females have two. But sometimes an ovary is removed because of a disease like cancer, although it's more common to remove both ovaries when cancer is diagnosed. But if for some reason you have one ovary, you would still have your period (although some sources say women with only one ovary go through menopause earlier). And you could still become pregnant (if you wanted to). In fact, unless you have other conditions (like cysts), having only one ovary should not be a big problem in your life.

How do you remove dark stain between your legs?

Don't worry so much about removing them, but rather, get to your GYN to figure out what's causing them. Sounds like Polycystic Ovary Disease, and it will cause more than darkening, so get in and have those tests run!