

Best Answer

Yes, he does. Here are some tips about Rockhopper.

-Rockhopper switches servers every 10 minutes.

-Rockhopper goes on safe-chat servers.

- Rockhopper will only be in his ship, the Migrator, Beach, Dock, Pizza Parlor, Forest hidden Lake, and the Cove.

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Q: Does rockhopper change places on cp?
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How do you see rockhopper?

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How do you go to rockhopper island on cp?

you cant sorry :(

How do you be rockhopper on cp?

You cannot actually be Rockhopper but you can look like him and you can't be him because no one actually knows what his password is except the actual rockhopper.

How do you hack rockhopper on club penguin?

CP Blizzard at

How many times has rockhopper came to cp?

13 i think

Where is rockhopper on cp?

rockhopper is usually in a teliscope if u see his ship click on it and u will go to the box demension

What is Rockhopper's pass on cp?

okay here it is the password is: Treasure Chest

How do you get to rockhopper island on cp?

you cant go there so to bad for you loser

Where is rochhopper in cp?

Rockhopper comes at different areas and is always crowded!

How can you meer rockhopper on club penguin?

rockhopper likes servers that are always full or almost full. and he also likes places like that to like... the town or plaza or his ship. i always find him that way! p.s this only works when his ship is in cp