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Q: Does sandy soil allow water to drain quickly?
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Is clay less porous than sandy soil?

Yes. Clay soil is much less porous than sandy soil. Water can stand for days in a hole dug in clay soil, but in sandy soil the water would drain quickly.

Which soil will allow more water sandy soil or clayey soil why?

sandy soil will allow more water because it is more porous than the clayey soil.

Does sandy soil drain water?

Yes it drains water faster than any other soil

What are soils that allow water to pass through them faster?

Loose or sandy soils allow water to percolate(pass) through them faster

What is the function of a water shed?

To allow water to drain to one collection area.

Do water flows through the soil easily and that the soil does not hold much water?

Water will drain through sandy soil the fastest. Sandy soil is easy to work, but benefits from large amounts of water retaining manures and humus.A loamy soil will retain water, but allow air spaces between the grains.The worst draining soil is clay, usually needing drainage, and is heavy to work.

Would sandy soil lose water more quickly or would clay soil why?

Sand soil

Which soil is better at letting water drain through it sandy soil or clay soil?

In clay soils are very small gaps between the rock particles, and so clay soils do not drain well. In sandy soils there are bigger gaps between the particles, allowing the soil to drain well and contain enough air.

What did people do to prepare for hurricane sandy?

Bleached their bath tubs duck taped drain closed and filled it with fresh water to drink

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How do you make water go down in adouble sink with disposal?

You pray there is enough gravity to allow the water to drain

What is sandy water?

sandy water is water with sand in it